** Star Wars Episode VII - SPOILERS WITHIN **

I would say that Leia is not force-sensitive......although nothing wrong with her children being so. There are quotes (especially from Jedi) which can be read into meaning this, or it could just be a normal feeling. Its left very ambiguous but imo as she never actually displays any skills in this regard at all, she is a "normal".

It's pretty clear she's force sensitive...hence why she can feel Han's death from a distance.
Why does Maz Kanata keep her most prized and valuable possession in an unlocked chest in a publicly accessible basement?

Who says it's her most prized and valuable possession?

What are they using flamethrowers for when blasters can do it?

Fear and intimidation. The flamethrowers were being used to destroy people's homes. Word of mouth intimidation to stop others aiding the resistance.
Nothing in SW canon can explain her speed of picking up the abilities. Especially not dark side of the force abilities (reverse mind probing/reading).

Nothing in star wars canon suggests there is a 3 years course required to pick up these abilities. In fact there is evidence to suggest it's just a matter of belief, not training.

And dark side abilities? Not sure where you've got that from.
No course required eh? So what was the whole Jedi academy and the Sith apprentice scheme all about?

Sith apprentice scheme? So you think Palpatine did a lot of classes with Vader on how to use Force Lightning? Please.

The simple answer is we don't know. At no point do we see training actually happen. How often do you see Obi Wan teaching Anakin how to use the force? Most of his training seems to be moral training on how to deal with the different challenges facing a jedi, from resolving diplomatic conflicts and the like.
Yoda literally tells us it's about belief in Episode 5.

You have no idea what they train in the academy because we're never shown. They take young children, they teach them all sorts of things they need to know to become a jedi (whose role at that time was like a diplomat, policeman and counselor all rolled into one.)

The sith have apprentices because it keeps them strong, they constantly have to stay strong or their apprentice will kill them and take over. What do you think The Emperor was teaching Vader?

Congratulations for ignoring my entire post and just repeating yourself though.
Oh, they're not canon any more... How convenient for your argument to throw out everything that went previously.

Since you've read them, how can you even be making the points you're trying to make?

This is more about ego and not being seen to lose an internet argument than actual reason.

Because I understand what canon means :confused:

I've actually given canon evidence to back up my points. You've just ignored them and resorted to personal insults. You clearly have no idea how to actually have a discussion :)

(I've also fixed your spelling too, you're clearly not good at that either :p)
No idea, we don't know. We don't even know if Snoke is a force user at the moment.

Anything not in the things I listed has nothing to do with this star wars universe any more. They're on the level of fan fiction. I might as well say I wrote a story once and use that as evidence.
Rewatched the Phantom Menace yesterday and am going to go out on a limb and say that it was a 'better' star wars film than TFA... It was certainly very poor and there were a lot of cringe worthy moments, poor dialogue and bad acting... But overall the pacing and character develpment in the film was better than TFA.

You are...

I'm so glad you came in here to troll though we certainly needed more of that in this thread. Such a shame we can't all live in your world where people aren't passionate about things and just say 'it was good' or 'it was bad' then go home.

I do find it hilarious you were afraid to go to the cinema to see it on your own though and had to borrow a child, how insecure are you :D
I am definitely not complaining so get your facts right and stop telling lies.

I think all 7 films are excellent and yes, I thought Jar Jar Binks was acceptable.
I watch Dr Who so can you imagine some of the Aliens I've witnessed in that since the 60s?
I can understand people discussing the finer points/plot holes of Alien or Lost but doing it with kids films?
Get a grip.

Please go troll somewhere else. If you don't want to discuss star wars then I have no idea what you're doing in this thread. If you want to go and discuss the finer points of Alien and Lost (love that those were your examples, both far shallower than Star Wars) then go start a thread for them :)
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