** Star Wars Episode VII - SPOILERS WITHIN **

Well major characters include Shaak Ti (Jedi Master on the council) and Ahsoka Tano, Anakin's Padawan.

Then of course there are loads in the extended universe which isn't canon any more but people like Bastila Shan from Kotor, Mara Jade Skywalker, Jaina Solo etc.

And then unnamed but featured in the films include all the female jedi seen mostly in Attack of The Clones.
Neither of those first 2 were in the Episodic films, were they? Are all female Jedi in the Clone Wars or other supporting series, some of which, as you say, have now been cut off.

I'm pretty sure I've never seen a female Jedi in Episodes 1 through 6? But its been a while so I could be wrong. Were there any girls in the younglings in 1 to 3?

Shaak Ti appears in the films quite a bit, not with many speaking roles though (like most of the other masters on the council) Ahsoka Tano appears on The Clone Wars as well as Rebels (both of which ARE canon)

And as I've said, multiple female jedi appear in Episode 2 and possibly 3 to a lesser extent.
No, red skinned.

Spoilered it just because it's a big image.
Ahsoka is the same race as Shaak Ti. There are a few other females on the council but she's the one I always remember because she also appeared in The Force Unleashed.
Von I don't think you understand what a plot hole is. Not having the exact 30 year path of a piece of equipment stated out to the audience is not a plot hole.

Glaucus. the extended universe is no longer canon, they stated this a long time ago. You not understanding that is a pretty stupid thing to criticise the film for.
I hardly think it's stupid, there is no reason not to fit in, other than to make a terrible rehashed movie, of a story line that's all ready been made. It's not that they haven't taken it as cannon, its the fact they've ignored it just to do a rubbish rehash.

What's even worse is the other two films haven't even been written and it's all change at the helm. So there was no proper plan.

Do you know what canon means?

There's no reason not to fit it in....how about the several hundred books, comics and video games that already exist. You're telling me they have to write a new story to fit in that timeline but that will also make sense to people that haven't read/played any of that? Ok.
Shouldn't be there? Who are you to say where it should or shouldn't have been in 30 years?

Were you surprised when C3PO suddenly turned up? We last saw him on Endor but suddenly there he was with leia on a different planet and with a red arm...what a plot hole!
:rolleyes: there are many stand alone books in the extended universe. Much of the extended universe does not need to be read in order.

And again, I haven't got an issue with them not fitting it in with extended universe. If they had done something good and original.

Really? Because you made it sound like you did, must have been the you complaining that they wrecked the EU that made me think that you were unhappy that they had wrecked the EU...

And no they couldn't have written a continuation of the story and still keep the EU canon. Only way to do that would be to just literally convert the books to the films,, not possible to do it with a new story.
Star Wars Episode 8 - Maz explains where she got a lightsaber. Von's wet dream.

I love how you seems obsessed with such a minor plot point. You must have had a fit when Luke turned up in Episode 6 with a new lightsaber. Where did he make it? How did he know how to make it?
Besides the cinema I was in there was a lot of applause, first time I've ever seen that.

They haven't destroyed the EU anyway, it's still right there if you want to read it. It's all just stories, having multiple stories doesn't hurt anything.

The fact that you're writing off the future of the series 1 film into a trilogy (and more) is ridiculous. You clearly have a bit of a hardon for the EU and were pre judged against the new films.
why? this is supposed to be a sequel not a remake!

In both LOTR and The Hobbit a hobbit goes on a journey with companions of other races, they even both go to Rivendell at the start of their journey and get help and advice from Elrond. They both get the help of eagles and a wizard named Gandalf...omg it's like Tolkien just wrote the same story twice?!? :eek: Disgusting.

This is not a remake. It is a new film with similar plot devices to ease the transition of a 30 year break in a story. Abrams likely realised that the rabid fanboys would jump down his throat at anything slightly new he did in this film (See people's responses to the droid from the trailers, or the new lightsaber or having a black storm trooper) So he made a gentle start to the new trilogy to introduce the new characters and setting.
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