I knew SW was dead after about 20 minutes into The Force Awakens at the cinema.
Are there people who were blinded by TFA at the time who now realise how poor it actually was as a continuation of the original Trilogy? I remember coming on here the week the TFA came out telling people they had blown it, but I seemed to be in a minority at that time. Now the majority seem to think the franchise has indeed been undermined....what changed? Are their still people who like TFA but hated The Last Jedi?
I can see why The Last Jedi is hated more, but for me it makes little difference as TFA was so far off the mark as far as I was concerned that the magic was gone. I also really dislike the prequels and so this Trilogy having original characters was what I had banked my hopes on restoring some of the chemistry and magic.
I feel extremely sorry for Mark Hamill who clearly hates the writing and was co-opted into something not fitting of his characters legacy. To think of what could have been...what an utter mess.