Star Wars VIII : The Last Jedi [WARNING: SPOILERS]

Well I finally watched this

:D. Notice I haven't gone on a planet bending nutter I did with Force Awakens.

There was a lot of **** in Tlj

A lot. Most have been mentioned. However there was quite a few Key scenes that for me preserved star wars. Just about all of those scenes involved Luke. True I wasn't entirely happy with how they portray him but in the key bits I can accept and understand it.

So I'm pretty happy because this film did feel like something different (despite all the little homages to previous sw etc).

Its like a state of mind. The last fight scene was great. You see I've always been one of the diehards who felt that yoda and the best jedi masters when they reach a certain level...hard to describe.....but they shouldn't be shown fighting....the magic is lost.

Luke didn't really fight was great.. He's on another it. I will be rewatching this a lot but ithe spark of hope is there the torch is passed to Kylo and Red.

So many little bits.e.G. ..Luke winking to 3po :D. R2d2 using holo Leia from 'a new Hope' (love it!) to convince Luke.

This film both follows the mold cast and breaks it. Gj Luke. Gg.....the only one who beats Luke is Luke Gg. Well played sir.

Almost makes up for the travesty that was force Awakens :) A lot of the message here may not make sense but does to quote obiwan...from a certain point of view.

Lot of subtleties in this film :)
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1. Empire strikes back
2. Sw
3. Rotj
4. The Last Jedi. (has potential to move above rotj!)
5. Rogue One

6. Attack of the clones (half garbage tho)
Rest of them complete garbage.

this is a good youtube video on TLJ

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They can wax lyrical all they want - it's never about JUST Luke not being our Luke or JUST Rey being omnipotent or JUST First Order being left without genuine villains under comical Hux and hormonal Kylo smashing monitor stations, keyboards and helmets - those things alone, are forgivable, they would be Ewoks of ROTJ, they would be the short training of TESB. Problem with TLJ is the sum of all things not adding up to the balance of the force. The "not my Luke"/"not my Star Wars" t-shirt worthy hate this movie generates is a result of a many-splendored ef ups in this case. And the more you watch those bizarre fan fiction inventions, the comedy in dramatic moments, the Leia Poppins, the shirtless ForceTimes, the ghosts whacking thunders from skies and characters being written out with contempt and almost Simon Cowell's stupidity levels of mockery - the more it feels like a Robot Chicken SW Special or youtube pastiche sketch, than real star wars - and as such it's canonic, sequential, heart stabbing and final like discovering that inside Darth Vader's mask, there was immaculately born hormonal Justin Biber of pre-millennial generation with mommy issues...
Going to have to get it to put with the other SW films in the collection but think this is going to be the least watched one by a long shot.
Ha, all that guff about extra scenes and there is NOTHING from the Canto Bight scenes in that trailer. BECAUSE IT WAS POINTLESS.
14 deleted scenes for the upcoming release. God knows what they'll be like. 14 scenes that they deemed worse than all the rubbish ones that made it to the cinema. Maybe it's a mistake and it's actually 14 scenes deleted.
14 deleted scenes for the upcoming release. God knows what they'll be like. 14 scenes that they deemed worse than all the rubbish ones that made it to the cinema. Maybe it's a mistake and it's actually 14 scenes deleted.

Maybe it will be like Prometheus and the deleted scenes would have made them film much more logical and understandable :D
I'd like to see:
  • A scene where Finn & Rose vent their frustration about their completely pointless casino side-trip.
  • One where Finn goes, "WTF was that kiss for? Girl, you really must have banged your head. By the way, you've killed the entire Resistance, you cretin!"
  • A scene which explains why Holdo doesn't explain a single thing to her direct subordinate and therefore gets 100s of people killed needlessly.
  • Oh, and one explaining where all those extras troopers came from to man the trench in the final act.
And finally
  • If they could get rid of the milk drinking scene while they're at it, that'd be awesome and make the whole thing less creepy.
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