Well I finally watched this
. Notice I haven't gone on a planet bending nutter rant...like I did with Force Awakens.
There was a lot of **** in Tlj
A lot. Most have been mentioned. However there was quite a few Key scenes that for me preserved star wars. Just about all of those scenes involved Luke. True I wasn't entirely happy with how they portray him but in the key bits I can accept and understand it.
So I'm pretty happy because this film did feel like something different (despite all the little homages to previous sw etc).
Its like a state of mind. The last fight scene was great. You see I've always been one of the diehards who felt that yoda and the best jedi masters when they reach a certain level...hard to describe.....but they shouldn't be shown fighting....the magic is lost.
Luke didn't really fight Kylo..it was great.. He's on another level....love it. I will be rewatching this a lot but ithe spark of hope is there the torch is passed to Kylo and Red.
So many little bits.e.G. ..Luke winking to 3po
. R2d2 using holo Leia from 'a new Hope' (love it!) to convince Luke.
This film both follows the mold cast and breaks it. Gj Luke. Gg.....the only one who beats Luke is Luke Gg. Well played sir.
Almost makes up for the travesty that was force Awakens
A lot of the message here may not make sense but does to quote obiwan...from a certain point of view.
Lot of subtleties in this film