Star Wars will never be saved. KK to stay forever!!“MCU to "Refocus”

I'm wondering how many people have ditched their Disney+ sub though due to COL, and either skipped the new Mando or took to the high seas, rather than not actually being interested in the show.

Probably true since 83m people viewed the trailer within 24 hours. Granted there will be repeat views in the mix.

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I haven't been in this thread for a while. Now I remember why. If you want videos of closet racist anti-woke morons reviewing a movie that is nowhere near out yet - get in this thread and all your desires shall be fulfilled! If you want videos of some Joe Blow ranting about some Marvel/Disney news like he even knows how the industry works then you'll surely be sated. lol.

I'll never deny that Marvel and Disney have lost their way, but they are well and truly the target of a right-wing smear campaign and some of the posters in here are lapping it up it's 2016 all over again. How depressing.
Another blow for the Wokeywood.

There's still some way to go until there's some semblance of normality returning if the comic book industry is anything to go by. Then again comic books weren't hugely profitable before the blue haired brigade got their hooks into them, and unlike comic books the people involved with movies don't work for peanuts so hopefully profit margins will drive these untalented hacks out back into the wilderness where they belong and we can get back to 'well written' movies.
There's still some way to go until there's some semblance of normality returning if the comic book industry is anything to go by. Then again comic books weren't hugely profitable before the blue haired brigade got their hooks into them, and unlike comic books the people involved with movies don't work for peanuts so hopefully profit margins will drive these untalented hacks out back into the wilderness where they belong and we can get back to 'well written' movies.

Read English translations of French bandé dessiné (comic strips) if you want to read excellent comics. They’re mad keen on westerns and anime.

I haven't been in this thread for a while. Now I remember why. If you want videos of closet racist anti-woke morons reviewing a movie that is nowhere near out yet - get in this thread and all your desires shall be fulfilled! If you want videos of some Joe Blow ranting about some Marvel/Disney news like he even knows how the industry works then you'll surely be sated. lol.

I'll never deny that Marvel and Disney have lost their way, but they are well and truly the target of a right-wing smear campaign and some of the posters in here are lapping it up it's 2016 all over again. How depressing.
I thought I would humour Neil and watch his video.

At 2 mins in the guy misquotes her entirely. The bit he is reading says "The character helped her to grow up"

He quotes her as saying the character "helped her to grow"

Different meanings there.

Also I haven't even seen the original movie as to be honest in 1992 when it came out, in my 10 year old brain it seemed like a "girls" movie.

Are all these people trashing the remake big fans of a children's cartoon that was originally aimed at little girls? Highly doubt it.
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I thought I would humour Neil and watch his video.

At 2 mins in the guy misquotes her entirely. The bit he is reading says "The character helped her to grow up"

He quotes her as saying the character "helped her to grow"

Different meanings there.
In the context of her quote, getting the role at 19 and the film's release being 4 years later 'helped her grow' is a perfectly fine interpretation.
It's people (mainly angry men) reading clickbait articles and then making clickbait videos off the back of it to make money from culture wars and get their views up.

I really don't care if they remake the little mermaid and make it good or bad. The original still exists and nobody has to watch the new one.
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TBH I’ve enjoyed the TV stuff far more than the movies recently. The past few I’ve waited for them to appear on D+ rather than going to the cinema. Nothing I’ve seen so far makes me want to go to the cinema at all. The movies have become so scared of offending anyone, so safe that they’ve become dull and boring. I enjoyed She-Hulk, Kid Hulk not withstanding (just why? Felt like such an afterthought to be added on Post.) and enjoyed Ms. Marvel too. They were fun. Thor 4 was terrible, an example of letting the leash off an eccentric director and ending up with just plain weirdness. Patti Jenkins had the same problem with WW1984. Some directors need a guiding hand to rein them in and calm them down.
Yeah, definitely a far right smear campaign when the actress playing the main actually comes out with rubbish like that.
Go on then I'll bite. What rubbish exactly? Now be careful here, try to make your point without quoting the above video, or heck - any Youtuber. What did she actually say? :)

EDIT: And given the film is not out yet, any negative opinion on it that's not based on released materials like the trailer is, by definition, a smear campaign.
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I'll never deny that Marvel and Disney have lost their way, but they are well and truly the target of a right-wing smear campaign and some of the posters in here are lapping it up it's 2016 all over again. How depressing.

I know this doesn't get your hatred juices following as much as a good old "2016 Deplorable's" moment, but not everything negative has to be a Right Wing Smear Campaign™ no matter how much you so desperately want to believe it is :D

Lets look at the reviews for Disney's last 8 "Live action" remakes since 2017 whilst they were a "target of a Right Wing Smear Campaign™", taken from aggregate site Rotten Tomatoes -

  • Pinocchio 2022 - 29% by critics & 28% by public - Both agree its bad

  • Cruella 2021 - 75% by critics & 97% by public - Both agree its good

  • Mulan 2020 - 72% by critics & 47% by public - Public thinks it's OK-ish

  • Lady & the Tramp 2019 - 66% by critics & 50% by public - Both agree its OK-ish

  • The Lion King 2019 - 52% by critics & 88% by public - Public thinks it's great

  • Aladdin 2019 - 57% by critics & 94% by public - Public thinks it's excellent

  • Dumbo 2019 - 45% by critics & 48% by public - Both agree its OK-ish

  • Beauty and The Beast 2017 - 71% by critics & 80% by public - Both agree its good

So only 1 single film has been rated "bad" by the public and all the rest, every other film since 2016 is rated OK to Excellent by the public. So I have to ask, where are the negative results from this "Right Wing Smear Campaign™" targetting Disney that you desperately want to believe exists, because the facts say there's no effects at all, and if there's no effects then does this "Right Wing Smear Campaign™" even exist anywhere other than in a few peoples minds?

It's people (mainly angry men) reading clickbait articles and then making clickbait videos off the back of it to make money from culture wars and get their views up.

I think it's silly to believe that the people making these videos are only doing it for the money, although from past experience you only seem to do that so you can completely ignore their points, valid or not, but thats OK, we get it.
So only 1 single film has been rated "bad" by the public and all the rest, every other film since 2016 is rated OK to Excellent by the public. So I have to ask, where are the negative results from this "Right Wing Smear Campaign™" targetting Disney that you desperately want to believe exists, because the facts say there's no effects at all, and if there's no effects then does this "Right Wing Smear Campaign™" even exist anywhere other than in a few peoples minds?
Just because the smear campaigns don't work, doesn't mean they don't exist :confused:

What a mess.

The need to put Starwars on Ice until they clear out the writting room.

Disney's problem there is too much dross undermining the brands. Sequel Trilogy destoyed so much good will, Mandolorain recovered a lot but Kenobi and Bobba Fetta screwed it up again.
MCU is churning out too much low quality content and largely at the expense of beloved legacy characters. They need less, and better.

At this rate they'll poison the well.
Also I haven't even seen the original movie as to be honest in 1992 when it came out, in my 10 year old brain it seemed like a "girls" movie.

I did the same, i must have been in my mid-teens and flocked to see Beauty & The Beast, Aladdin and The Lion King but I always felt TLM looked like a movie aimed at little girls. I finally caught up with it 20 years later and it was terrific and blew me away, and i can see why now it was such a big hit and kicked started the renaissance era. I kicked myself for not seeing it sooner
Disney's problem there is too much dross undermining the brands. Sequel Trilogy destoyed so much good will, Mandolorain recovered a lot but Kenobi and Bobba Fetta screwed it up again.
MCU is churning out too much low quality content and largely at the expense of beloved legacy characters. They need less, and better.

At this rate they'll poison the well.
Exactly right. That’s why it’s all gone wrong- nothing to do with some woke agenda like some people want to believe.
Exactly right. That’s why it’s all gone wrong- nothing to do with some woke agenda like some people want to believe.
Kenobi was quite well received I thought? I enjoyed it and the general consensus I read online, here and elsewhere was that while it had a bit of a shaky start it ended up being very good?
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