Star Wars will never be saved. KK to stay forever!!“MCU to "Refocus”

So only 1 single film has been rated "bad" by the public and all the rest, every other film since 2016 is rated OK to Excellent by the public
in what world is 50% okayish?

anything below 70% is utter crap, 80% is "okay" and anything above 90 is good.

that's how modern ratings work.
This woman was sacked then a flood of hit peaces were released.

Now she's fighting back lol.


They have started to eat their own

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in what world is 50% okayish?

anything below 70% is utter ****, 80% is "okay" and anything above 90 is good.

that's how modern ratings work.

So just to be clear, the 2023 Oscar winning film "The Whale" which just won three Oscars for Best Actor, Best Supporting Actress and Best Make-up and Hairstyling, as it has 'just' a RT 68% critic score you are saying is utter **** - that says a huge amount about you.

So, to find out how accurate you think you are I searched google, and no sites agree with you that 70% = ****. The closest is RT which considers 60% to be its Fresh vs Rotten delineation point.

Just because the smear campaigns don't work, doesn't mean they don't exist :confused:

It sounds like a lot of CT nonsense from tinfoil hat wearers to me "there's a big conspiracy to smear Disney films so no-one goes to see them, only it has absolutely no effect on anything so there's no proof it exists, but it definitely exists I tell you!!!!!!"
It sounds like a lot of CT nonsense from tinfoil hat wearers to me "there's a big conspiracy to smear Disney films so no-one goes to see them, only it has absolutely no effect on anything so there's no proof it exists, but it definitely exists I tell you!!!!!!"
I don’t know what CT is but you’re talking complete jibberish. There’s literally links of YouTuber muppets hating on a film before it’s even released. Like I said, it’s the definition of a smear campaign. And these videos are becoming more and more frequent, often against Disney and Marvel.
They are becoming more frequent because the content is utter drivel. It's not a CT, the writing is just terrible. They make it easy for them. Same with practically all the new Star Wars stuff, it's easy to pick holes in terrible stories and writing. They even managed to destroy the awesome Clone Wars cartoon with the last season.

In all honesty Phase 2 and 3, particularly infinity war and End Game have a place in my heart as big as Original Star Wars from being a kid. Phase 4, the TV shows has made me not care if they never make another Disney Marvel film again. The only good film in phase 4 was a Sony Film.

I'm not a fan at all of YouTube hater watchers but even I have to admit every single one I've watched from RobotHead pointing out the god awful lazy writing and De-Masculinisation of just about every character they can, has cost them viewers and money.
I don’t know what CT is but you’re talking complete jibberish. There’s literally links of YouTuber muppets hating on a film before it’s even released. Like I said, it’s the definition of a smear campaign. And these videos are becoming more and more frequent, often against Disney and Marvel.

Oh no, a literal handful of people on Youtube making videos complaining about Disney, aimed specifically at people who already think the same way that they do, is your entire evidence for a mystical "Right Wing Smear Campaign™" - now I know you're a Conspiracy Theorist (CT) :D
it's easy to pick holes in terrible stories and writing.
Sure, as much as I find most Youtuber reviews completely hideously cringey, and would rather poke my eyes out with a fork, it’s nowhere as ridiculous as those commenting on an unreleased (and probably unfinished) movie.
Oh no, a literal handful of people on Youtube making videos complaining about Disney, aimed specifically at people who already think the same way that they do, is your entire evidence for a mystical "Right Wing Smear Campaign™" - now I know you're a Conspiracy Theorist (CT) :D
Lol wait, hold on… you’re part of the brigade that thinks there’s a secret woke agenda coming out of Disney and Marvel, and readily watch all these moronic YouTubers spitting feathers because Ariel is black (mixed race? Dunno, don’t care)… and you’re now trying to flip the script because I’m calling them out on it? Yeah, lol. Good one. Have fun with that.
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So just to be clear, the 2023 Oscar winning film "The Whale" which just won three Oscars for Best Actor, Best Supporting Actress and Best Make-up and Hairstyling, as it has 'just' a RT 68% critic score you are saying is utter **** - that says a huge amount about you.
Critic scores are meaningless.
The whale has a User Score of 91% on RT

A lot of the time the critic score is literally the opposite of User Scores
Morbius got 71% which I think most people consider a bad movie? I don't really watch many movies these days.

What's considered bad of recent years and we can check out the User Scores for them on RT, I'm guessing they will be around 60-70%

50% is pretty much the equivalent of 2.5 out of 5 stars anyway even on a linear scale, anything under 3 stars is almost guaranteed to be trash
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Sure, as much as I find most Youtuber reviews completely hideously cringey, and would rather poke my eyes out with a fork, it’s nowhere as ridiculous as those commenting on an unreleased (and probably unfinished) movie.
The little Mermaid is out in 2 months, it's finished bar some cgi polishing, although given Disney's recent cgi attempts I doubt they are doing any more work on it.
Lol wait, hold on… you’re part of the brigade that thinks there’s a secret woke agenda coming out of Disney and Marvel, and readily watch all these moronic YouTubers spitting feathers because Ariel is black (mixed race? Dunno, don’t care)… and you’re now trying to flip the script because I’m calling them out on it? Yeah, lol. Good one. Have fun with that.
I like how you ignore all the race-swapping and numerous stories and interviews with Disney higherups saying they are pushing a woke agenda, just continue to stick your fingers in your ears and pretend it's a 'secret agenda' even though it's clearly not.
The little Mermaid is out in 2 months, it's finished bar some cgi polishing, although given Disney's recent cgi attempts I doubt they are doing any more work on it.
Oh and I suppose the YouTuber you listed above has seem it then so he’s perfectly allowed to comment? :rolleyes: By the way, I know for a fact that just because a movie releases in two months it doesn’t mean it’s finished.
I like how you ignore all the race-swapping and numerous stories and interviews with Disney higherups saying they are pushing a woke agenda, just continue to stick your fingers in your ears and pretend it's a 'secret agenda' even though it's clearly not.
I haven’t seen anything bar a couple of writers that have admitted to some sort of agenda. They don’t count as “execs”. Let’s not forget that all “woke” means is being aware of race and gender in/equality anyway. It’s like using the word “liberal” as a bad thing. Hello Fox News! I also know for a fact that Hollywood execs literally only care about profit and their jobs- probably not in that order. To suggest Disney would continue to do something that might harm their overall earnings is just laughable.
Oh and I suppose the YouTuber you listed above has seem it then so he’s perfectly allowed to comment?
Funnily enough people are free to comment on pre approved interviews given by the stars of any movie, if said movie stars want to throw out their hot takes into the world then anyone and everyone can also do the same, be that the average joe forum user or youtube channels. It seems to bother you a lot.

:rolleyes: By the way, I know for a fact that just because a movie releases in two months it doesn’t mean it’s finished.
I haven’t seen anything bar a couple of writers that have admitted to some sort of agenda.
There's many interviews, most are linked in the various threads around here.
They don’t count as “execs”. Let’s not forget that all “woke” means is being aware of race and gender in/equality anyway. It’s like using the word “liberal” as a bad thing.
The meanings of words change all the time. The word woke is now associated with mockery and derision.
I also know for a fact that Hollywood execs literally only care about profit and their jobs- probably not in that order. To suggest Disney would continue to do something that might harm their overall earnings is just laughable.
Ahh yes, because all the tv shows and movies that have either race/gender swapped characters or inserted pointless lgb themes into IP's where there were none previously have performed so amazingly well with audiences haven't they :cry: every single one has failed, some spectacularly, some with a whimper. Hell take the star wars IP as an example, series are getting canned all the time as the IP isn't performing nearly well enough for Disney to justify the expenditure.
That's 7.

But that was off the top of my head.
Strictly speaking it was 4 examples really
Phase 1 Marvel (Fury and Heimdall)

Oh and Felix had already been portrayed by a black man in the 80's (never say never again), just another example of the woke crowd thinking modern cinema is breaking new ground, just like black panther was the 1st black superhero eh :cry:
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Last of Us

Basically everything woke fails apart from the ones that are a success which they conveniently ignore.
Sandman wasn't a success - it took over 4 months to be renewed for god's sake in the era of successful shows getting renewed the week they drop pretty much.
Last of us, just shows that even an average show can be successful when it's surrounded by dross.
Hamilton is probably the best example going, but Broadway's shows generally buck the trend anyway.
Sandman wasn't a success - it took over 4 months to be renewed for god's sake in the era of successful shows getting renewed the week they drop pretty much.
Last of us, just shows that even an average show can be successful when it's surrounded by dross.
Hamilton is probably the best example going, but Broadway's shows generally buck the trend anyway.
I know, you wanted so desperately for it to be cancelled, it must really sting. And it got so much praise, that must really sting too.
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