Star Wars will never be saved. KK to stay forever!!“MCU to "Refocus”

Praise from who?
Check the thread, check the 87% approval rating on RT.

I can understand the anger, it's everything you hate. Not only does it have black people playing the roles that were white in the original material. Worst of all? The author actually wanted the changes, god it must make you mad.
Lol wait, hold on… you’re part of the brigade that thinks there’s a secret woke agenda coming out of Disney and Marvel, and readily watch all these moronic YouTubers spitting feathers because Ariel is black (mixed race? Dunno, don’t care)… and you’re now trying to flip the script because I’m calling them out on it? Yeah, lol. Good one. Have fun with that.

I am???? Thats news to me :D

You know what, I'd absolutely, genuinely love for you to quote some/any of my posts where I - IanH - have said "there's a secret woke agenda at Disney/Marvel" because thats just hilarious. In fact I dare you, I double dog dare you to spend 10 minutes using the search function to find a post where I say that, please, pretty please with sugar on top, just to prove that you're not a liar who has made-up something about me just to win an "internet point", because people who lie aren't worth spending time talking to.

Critic scores are meaningless.

Cool, I'll try to remember to quote you on that later.
Check the thread, check the 87% approval rating on RT.

I can understand the anger, it's everything you hate. Not only does it have black people playing the roles that were white in the original material. Worst of all? The author actually wanted the changes, god it must make you mad.
Check the thread? Praise from the same 4 people that thought She-Hulk was a modern masterpiece? No thanks.
RT it's at 80% not 87%.

Anger? Hate? Once again you confuse criticism with emotions, I'm not surprised though as you people seem to be unable to separate the emotive from the factual.

I personally don't care what Gaimon wanted, he probably wrote down the list of changes as he gazed longingly into his wife's eyes and held her hand as she was being plowed by a random dude.
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Check the thread? Praise from the same 4 people that thought She-Hulk was a modern masterpiece? No thanks.
RT it's at 80% not 87%

Anger? Hate? Once again you confuse criticism with emotions, I'm not surprised though you people seem to be unable to separate the emotive from the factual.

I personally don't care what Gaimon wanted, he probably wrote down the list of changes as he gazed longingly into his wife's eyes and held her hand as she was being plowed by a random dude.

87% is the approval rating, 80% is the audience score. I'd love for you to explain how either of those are a failure.
87% is the approval rating, 80% is the audience score.
Yes I know the audience score is 80%, that's why I quoted it, no one cares about critic scores.
I'd love for you to explain how either of those are a failure.
Again, 4 months to be renewed when hit shows on streaming platforms are renewed in the 1st week or so, that says a lot imo.
I'd post the schedules from the film servicing team I sit next to in my office, who's literal job it is to take delivery of the OV (look it up) and get it in cinemas in time for the release across all territories, but unfortunately I'd very quickly get fired.. Happy to pass on any questions you have though..
The meanings of words change all the time. The word woke is now associated with mockery and derision.
To me it's associated with wannabe right-wingers trying to use it as an insult, but as I said much like the word 'liberal' it just comes across as desperate and said because they don't understand the meaning properly.
every single one has failed, some spectacularly, some with a whimper. Hell take the star wars IP as an example, series are getting canned all the time as the IP isn't performing nearly well enough for Disney to justify the expenditure.
That's my point; if you think they've failed and are not making any money, how can you also think they are doing it on purpose as some sort of woke agenda? You're going round in circles :confused:
I am???? Thats news to me :D
Well maybe not, I'm only skim reading this thread for the lols. There's been a (unsuccessful) smear campaign against Disney and Marvel reported on for a while now. For example see here; Doesn't matter if it's successful or not, loads of what some would call "woke" content nowadays gets utterly hated on before release, and after release. You only need to look at the review bombing that happened on the Last of Us gay storyline.

It makes me sad that people are manipulated so easily online, step inside a right-wing echo chamber and you're lost forever. Again, look at 2016. What nonsense it looks like now, but back then it all worked...
Well for a start you have the head of Disney saying “quality over quantity”

Marvel Stans. Yah all just have bad taste.

That’s coming from a man that has low standards hah.

1-1.5billion being cut from content. That’s a whole phase!!!!
I didn’t watch She-Hulk because it didn’t look like something I’d enjoy. Since choosing to not watch it, I haven’t really thought about it at all.
Who gives a second thought to things they've chosen not to watch?

Not 100% sure whether you picked up on the purpose of my statement - but the intended inference was that it’s very easy to avoid a bad time by *drum roll - tsh* not watching things that you will foreseeably dislike.

Perhaps this super secret, time-saving strategy could be experiment with by some…? :p

Personally, it’s quite blissful… this magical state of not being annoyed about things that would annoy me if I chose to sit through them.
Turning IP’s and Characters that you have grown up with into platforms.

Writers self inserting themselves into well established characters to have a moan.

Not hard to see why people have a vested interest in something.

Myself? I probably have a thousands of pounds into Starwars and LOTR merchandise.

Just to watch the franchise get blasted into oblivion for intersectional feminism.

“The force is Female”
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