Star Wars will never be saved. KK to stay forever!!“MCU to "Refocus”

Not 100% sure whether you picked up on the purpose of my statement - but the intended inference was that it’s very easy to avoid a bad time by *drum roll - tsh* not watching things that you will foreseeably dislike.

Perhaps this super secret, time-saving strategy could be experiment with by some…? :p

Personally, it’s quite blissful… this magical state of not being annoyed about things that would annoy me if I chose to sit through them.
But then how would they moan about it on the internet and make youtube videos about wokeism :P
Come on, when will some people understand that people don't have an issue with any of these things, they have an issue with how they are done. They are sick of lazy gender swaps with no thought. Sick of lazy writing which ends up with stupid things like Thor being upstaged with Mjolnir by someone who has had it 5 minutes. Of Hulk getting schooled on his powers by someone who has had the powers 5 minutes. Of horribly on the nose dialogue that you wouldn't expect from a 15 year old just learning about feminism or the patriarchy.

Its just making bad media and then turning round and saying "you don't like it because you're a phobe". The second wonderwoman is crap because its crap. The first one was decent. Thor Ragnarok was good and Love and Thunder was a complete mess. Write good stories and make good films and TV and people don't really care who you put in it. The problem is, far too much high budget stuff is written by people without the talent to do it.

Diversity, queer and everything else under the sun has been written well thousands of times. Perhaps that should be their focus rather than trying to defend poor and lazy writing and directing.
Come on, when will some people understand that people don't have an issue with any of these things, they have an issue with how they are done. They are sick of lazy gender swaps with no thought. Sick of lazy writing which ends up with stupid things like Thor being upstaged with Mjolnir by someone who has had it 5 minutes. Of Hulk getting schooled on his powers by someone who has had the powers 5 minutes. Of horribly on the nose dialogue that you wouldn't expect from a 15 year old just learning about feminism or the patriarchy.

Its just making bad media and then turning round and saying "you don't like it because you're a phobe". The second wonderwoman is **** because its ****. The first one was decent. Thor Ragnarok was good and Love and Thunder was a complete mess. Write good stories and make good films and TV and people don't really care who you put in it. The problem is, far too much high budget stuff is written by people without the talent to do it.

Diversity, queer and everything else under the sun has been written well thousands of times. Perhaps that should be their focus rather than trying to defend poor and lazy writing and directing.
If that were true all the complaints would be after seeing the thing in question. Most of the complaints on this forum come before the tv show/film has even been released. See Little Mermaid, or Last of Us, or RoP etc.
If that were true all the complaints would be after seeing the thing in question. Most of the complaints on this forum come before the tv show/film has even been released. See Little Mermaid, or Last of Us, or RoP etc.

Part of this is the "fan baiting" that studios love to indulge in. Having people involved in the production come out with things like "I haven't watched the original but I want to change this thing I don't like about it" or talking about their characters sexuality or ethnicity instead of the actual show. RoP was a great example of awfully done pre-release material. Its common now to attack fan bases before the show is even out and then act shocked when they don't like it.

There will always be people that are bigoted who won't like something for that reason but I think they are in the tiny minority. I think more people are just sick of the TV and film industry lazily rebooting franchises that people love and making a wreck of them. In the past they would make a wreck of things with poor writing or directing. Now they do it with poor writing, directing and trying to trade off identity politics.
If that were true all the complaints would be after seeing the thing in question. Most of the complaints on this forum come before the tv show/film has even been released. See Little Mermaid, or Last of Us, or RoP etc.
There were pretty much zero complaints about the TLOU before the show was released on this forum, and the ones that were around were regarding how generic the teaser looked. More people were complaining about the ai artist that race swapped the actress back to white with the little mermaid :p Regarding RoP/Wot etc when writers/studies take beloved IP's and then make all the pre release hype about how diverse it is there will be pushback as we've heard it all before, the diversity takes precedent over well-written storylines and characters.
Just read the multiple X-Files reboots press releases.

Doesn’t take long to hit diversity quotes. Does it? lol
Come on, when will some people understand that people don't have an issue with any of these things, they have an issue with how they are done. They are sick of lazy gender swaps with no thought. Sick of lazy writing which ends up with stupid things like Thor being upstaged with Mjolnir by someone who has had it 5 minutes. Of Hulk getting schooled on his powers by someone who has had the powers 5 minutes. Of horribly on the nose dialogue that you wouldn't expect from a 15 year old just learning about feminism or the patriarchy.

Its just making bad media and then turning round and saying "you don't like it because you're a phobe". The second wonderwoman is **** because its ****. The first one was decent. Thor Ragnarok was good and Love and Thunder was a complete mess. Write good stories and make good films and TV and people don't really care who you put in it. The problem is, far too much high budget stuff is written by people without the talent to do it.

Diversity, queer and everything else under the sun has been written well thousands of times. Perhaps that should be their focus rather than trying to defend poor and lazy writing and directing.

People just can't accept what's right in front of their eyes because its their own fav IP's getting wrecked by talentless hacks driven by nothing but agenda. 25 years ago, when one could definitely argue that the gay experience was under-represented on TV. CH4 (IIRC) made Queer as Folk, a show about the gay community in Manchester, a brilliant show which did not lecture, did not virtue signal, did not treat is audience like morons but just showed people living their lives.

It was simply great TV made by very talented people, who had a genuine interest in telling a good story and shining a light on little corner of the world many people had no idea about, myself included, so well told that the fact it was the set within the gay community in the end didn't matter at all because the stories and the chararcters were all believable and relatable.

That's great writing, not hackery. If anyone wants see diversity and representation handled properly then I suggest they go back and watch that then they might see why people are so ****** off with the crap we're getting served up by modern studios. That's of course if they are interested in that, as they claim to be...*

*Spoiler - There's not that many explosions in it...
Bob igor clearing house.

BTW this is not about saving money but about power.

The Disney board is in constant battle and heads have started to roll.

Investor’s (you know the people who front the money for most of the movies wanted some of their people on it. They failed)

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Anyone watching the fallout of the Shareholder annual meeting?

Some of the calls hah
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Anyone watching the fallout of the Shareholder annual meeting?

Some of the calls hah
It was funny to watch. The guy who was talking about the dodgy choir that Disney called in to write their songs for their anniversary, really laid into them.

Also Bob Igor may have said the quite part out loud in relation to reedy creek
Not really felt the need to resubscribe to D+ after the trial I had nearly 9 months ago. The content isn't there as I've long lost interest in marvel. Will watch guardians 3 in cinema though.

I've seen D+ lost net subscribers in latest figures? I'm not surprised. I wonder how many people are on free trials too?

I have no issue with gender, race or whatever swaps. I'm not precious about sticking to the past. I'd rather something a bit different and generally actually prefer content with female leads a lot of the time. I do find it amusing how people get so wound up about that stuff.

The reason I don't like marvel stuff is it's just bad. And there's too much. it's too samey and cringe in a bad way. Most of the older stuff is better than the new. Especially the first batch. Absolutely loved ironman 1,thor 1 etc.
I don't like the number of films per year.
Some of the films are just ridiculous, but not in a good way. Too many gaping plot holes which usually I don't care about. I didn't think much of last Dr strange. Only watched it as first was good. I remember a massive... "Why would they do that?" plot device I hated.

But I'm more of a series than film person, with niche taste. I'd say 95%:5% series:films. so I'll naturally be drawn to Netflix. And marvel spamming films has killed my interest in super hero stuff. I'm sure there are some good ones. But as I'm a completist type I just don't watch any of it. End game was my last chapter ending watch. And I'm sure there are lots I've missed before that.

Guardians stands alone for me as a modern Disney I love in that they don't really have powers. And it's different to the rest. (hoping 3 doesn't spoil it). Also mandalorian was great.

I also love all the old Disney animations. But again, not for a subscription.

Disney just doesn't have my core genre very well covered. On face of it, it does. (I'm a fiction person (fantasy/dark/animation/Sci fi) person to a fault). I'll often get...

"What? How can you not like Disney? It's all fantasy"....

Except, for me, it isn't.
Not everyone gets it, especially those who aren't fantasy buffs.

I think its because Disney stuff is mainly jolly, super hero, star wars. I don't really even class star wars as sci-fi, not really.

This is far from the fantasy I like. Shadow and bone, sandman, dragon prince, farscape, star trek, Castlevania, archive 81, lost in space, etc

Disney doesn't really have any variety. It has star wars, it has marvel. But that's it. It has a lot of content. But it's variety is incredibly small. I find it bizarre they churn out so much marvel, so many hours of it, and yet to me it's all so similar.
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