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Starfield CPU performance reviews

Looking pretty depressing for my 5800X, maybe time to upgrade soon.

Are you actually playing the game?

I'm running at 1440p same CPU, 3600mhx ram and a 7900XT at the game is running fine.

It's only in the first city area of the game I've seen below 60fps (maybe 55 avg) and the area is huge, running around most planets 80-90fps, and in enclosed areas basically 120-144fps (my cap).

That's with (almost) all max settings, some of the ******** like motion blur and ambient occlusion disabled.

TDLR: The game runs completely fine on a 5800x.
Played the first hour last night on my 5900X and RX6800 and was pleasantly surprised.

I sold my series X as it was getting no play time (Prefer the PS5) and was only really keeping it for this game and a few other exclusives but after hearing of the fixed 30fps I figured I would play it on PC. Anyhow it runs very well, I am sure as I progress it will drop a bit lower but its a slow paced game and as long as VRR on my monitor keeps up I will be a very happy camper.

Zen5 and new GPU planned for end of next year and cant see a reason to change that decision.
A bit tricky to add as it's dynamic but deeper than most screens, but that Russian site did set it through their test process:

and 12C Zen2:

and an i3 and a Ryzen 3:

So it spreads out but still seems to be 2 or so main threads.

Heavily modded with tons of NPCs is going to be as performance zapping as FO4 and Skyrim then.
A bit tricky to add as it's dynamic but deeper than most screens, but that Russian site did set it through their test process:

and 12C Zen2:

and an i3 and a Ryzen 3:

So it spreads out but still seems to be 2 or so main threads.

Heavily modded with tons of NPCs is going to be as performance zapping as FO4 and Skyrim then.

It looks like it!
If they use this for next TES game, it’ll be funny.
Microsoft's purchase is almost 100% about Xbox, so not expecting any miracles for PCs but what that engine could use is some of Microsoft's kernel, managed code, and JIT specialists to sort out the threading!

For modding which is so heavily reliant on their Papyrus scripting engine, the way it runs (each frame the all the script get some time slices) does not scale well.

If for TES VI they admit defeat and use UE5/6 etc., then they better port over their Creation Kit. Without modding dies.
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Im playing with 5800x3d...rtx4070 and have put the DLSS 3.5/frame gen mod in the game and get a great smooth experience with HIGH fps, wasnt so good without the mod but with it above 90fps even in new atlantis...oh thats at 1440p with in game res slider set to 70
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So the only way to get above 60fps in the most demanding areas is to brute force it with the best CPUs available?

Why is Bethesda using their ancient creation engine and not something else like Rage?

Surely there is another engine that can keep track of all the NPCs along with tracking all the items etc and perform better?
So the only way to get above 60fps in the most demanding areas is to brute force it with the best CPUs available?

Why is Bethesda using their ancient creation engine and not something else like Rage?

Surely there is another engine that can keep track of all the NPCs along with tracking all the items etc and perform better?
How many other game worlds have the depth and detail like the ones created by Bethesda? I've seen people recreate Bethesda maps and cities that look infinitely better in the Unreal engine but there just good looking tech demos with no immersion.
How many other game worlds have the depth and detail like the ones created by Bethesda? I've seen people recreate Bethesda maps and cities that look infinitely better in the Unreal engine but there just good looking tech demos with no immersion.
This x10.

I worry that they will eventually move over to a modern engine but loose the Creation Kit.

Just look at Nexus mods:

So that is 7 out of 18 (well 17 games as Modding Tools isn't a game). And all but three on the first row.

And it is the kind of mods the Creation Kit can do. Not through want of trying, but the mods for TW3 and Cp2077 seem to be lacking in quests etc. Cp2077 has no quest category at all:
whereas TW3 has some:
but 56 files.
SSE has over 1,800 quest mods:

That is a huge difference.
On my system I get usually around 65 to 95fps. Lowest is has dropped is high 50s. Nice and smooth though at 1440p.. all settings on medium. I haven't tried altering anything yet.

Seems as though the framerate varies massively where we are located in the map/game.
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I wouldn't worry about elder scrolls 6, as Todd has mentioned that game might only be released around 2030. It's too far away to even think about it, the gaming environment, hardware and software environment could be very different next decade
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