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Starfield CPU performance reviews

On the nvidia side, the 3080 is 46% slower than a 6800xt, that's not right. I can see a major Nvidia performance boost on the horizon.

There is something odd with the gpu usage/power usage with Nvidia cards in the game. I often get 99%/100% usage, but it is only drawing about 50-66% of the power limit. This seems to be reported by a lot of people.
How many other game worlds have the depth and detail like the ones created by Bethesda? I've seen people recreate Bethesda maps and cities that look infinitely better in the Unreal engine but there just good looking tech demos with no immersion.


Loads of RPG's/ action rpg's?

I dont see anything special with what Starfield is doing city wise. They are not (relatively) that heavily populated, large or good looking. The non character NPC's look pretty low rent. Most buildings require a loading screen, and so does entering the city.

To me it seems way behind a lot of other open world games, yet is one of the most poorly performing.
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Performance is pretty even between them now. In some scenes the 7900 XTX is faster, however in some the 4090 is faster. In many of them the FPS are close enough to be margin of error.

To claim one annihilates the other is ridiculous to be honest. And yes, my 4090 is clocked at over 3.1Ghz in the video I recorded using both GPUs. :cool:

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On the nvidia side, the 3080 is 46% slower than a 6800xt, that's not right. I can see a major Nvidia performance boost on the horizon.
Might not be that easy. Some fps maybe, not a lot. Unless sf gets fake frames and other tech to do it but without gimmicks it might not get much better?

Might not be that easy. Some fps maybe, not a lot. Unless sf gets fake frames and other tech to do it but without gimmicks it might not get much better?

True, certain games just perform better on another vendors hardware. AMD for example have had a commanding lead in Call of Duty for a long time now, despite updates from team green and patches AMD still holds an advantage (although the gap narrows at 4K thanks to the demand for post processing effects who's performance scales with more cores).
Performance is pretty even between them now. In some scenes the 7900 XTX is faster, however in some the 4090 is faster. In many of them the FPS are close enough to be margin of error.

He's a professional click bait troll, we all know why the Nvidia GPU is slower and he even admits it, its because Nvidia's driver overhead is so much higher than AMD's so the Nvidia GPU is so much more susceptible to a CPU bottleneck.
With that in mind is very easy to negate Nvidia's CPU overhead problem by running through the desert for 20 seconds with no NPC's or anything at all going on (IE make sure the CPU isn't doing anything) which is exactly what he did and then claimed "see the 4090 is just as fast but actually AMD architecture is really horrible because it uses more power" as if that's worse than needing to use a chiller cooled CPU chewing 200 watts more power to get the same performance.

He is one of those people who will prostitute himself for a few clicks, quite comfortable to be seen as incredibly stupid by anyone who isn't for clicks.

I know what his game is but i'm just going to keep calling him stupid, a low IQ moron.
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My mate and I have the same Ryzen 7 5700X,and their RX6700XT is generally quicker than my RTX3060TI in the game using the same settings in the same locations.

Nvidia are very lucky that high end CPU's today have got as hugely powerful as they have, for the most part they can spare the 40% comparatively more cycles just to run Nvidia's GPU driver, you try to run the 4090 with a 5Ghz 8700K or a 5600X it will choke on it, the frame times would be up and down all over the place and feel like riding a cheese grater.
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He's a professional click bait troll...
I'm not even going to watch the video because it's obvious clickbait, but...
...we all know why the Nvidia GPU is slower and he even admits it, its because Nvidia's driver overhead is so much higher than AMD's so the Nvidia GPU is so much more susceptible to a CPU bottleneck...
... while CPU overhead would seem to be the obvioius culprit from looking at simple benchmarks, there's more to it than that. Chips and Cheese did an excellent analysis of the actual work done on a 7900XTX and 4090 to render each frame, showing that there are architectural differences that explain the unusual performance delta - for instance the 4090 doesn't have enough registers.
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