Steam Workshop allowing creators to charge for mods

I love the comment he made about profits,

'Skyrim paid mods so far have made $10k

The e-mail traffic they have generated have cost Valve an estimate of $1 million.'

Unlucky, Gabe.
Gabe isn't coming across very well on Reddit at the moment.

Personally I think Valve are now committed to this, whether they like it or not; because as soon as they backpedal on this system, a competitor (EA, or Ubisoft) will step-in and offer it instead. If it turns out that modders will flock to whoever promises them money, they could lose-out in the long run.
It will be interesting to come back to this thread in a year or so. My prediction : paid mods are booming, loads of people are buying them, professional studios are producing top quality content, there's still loads of quality free stuff too.

I will eat my hat if I'm wrong. Well, chuck a tenner at a charity or something :)
This is what happens when you blindly follow Steam and even pay extra for games just to get them on Steam. The gaming community only has themselves to blame for what Steam has become - almost all monopolies result in abuse of monopoly power and extraordinary profits.

A friend of mine lost access to his Steam account 2 weeks ago - Valve claim the response time on tickets is a MONTH! So he can't play any of his games.

But hey it's cool because I just click yea and all my games are in the same place!111

If we'd have had a competitive market in the first place, digital distribution had everything it needed to both lower the cost of games to gamers versus traditional retail *and* increase the profits for developers.

Instead, we got Steam.
I love the comment he made about profits,

'Skyrim paid mods so far have made $10k

The e-mail traffic they have generated have cost Valve an estimate of $1 million.'

Unlucky, Gabe.

How the hell have they made $10k? :confused: There's just a few random swords and crap on there at the moment. I am guessing the initial buys are from people with some steam shekels built up from card sales etc. Seems like the battle is already lost :(.

What is the $1 million figure about?
How the hell have they made $10k? :confused: There's just a few random swords and crap on there at the moment. I am guessing the initial buys are from people with some steam shekels built up from card sales etc. Seems like the battle is already lost :(.

What is the $1 million figure about?

estimated value of man hours to handle the backlash

Gabe on reddit is a joke he's pretty much saying nothing and just management speak BS
oh someone made a post about it

icemasta on reddit said:
Yup, same here. It's gonna be hell for modders if they create a new engine for Fallout 4. For those that aren't familiar, the modding scene goes through a learning/discovery phase when a new game/mod tool comes out. There is documentation, generally, but it's often hard to understand, and there are lots of tricks you can force the modding tools to do that results in cool stuff.

The Skyrim modding scene start was like a gold mine rush. People were reporting like every hour on the nexusmod forums about new tips and tricks of stuff you could do and it was awesome. Without this, a lot of stuff would not have been done.

Now if we look at the potential Fallout 4, what happens then? No one will want to share. If you're the first person/group to figure out a way to push the modding tool into modifying the behavioral AI, and other peoples are mining at it but can't figure it out, what would you do? Hoard that knowledge and create a unique mod that others can't recreate, obviously!

It will basically turn one of the most helpful and generous modding community into basically nothing. Nobody will want to help each other except core modders that have known each other for years. New modders will be shunned as "Quick money *****" or whatever, no help will be given to those, I can guarantee you that.
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This is the worst gaming news I've heard since Sony announced the EU PS3 will be delayed, more expensive and have "software" backward compatibility instead of dedicated hardware (like everywhere else.)

Seriously if it wasn't for the Nexus and the modding community over the last 4 years my time spent gaming would have dropped by 50%. Absolutely unbelievable, the embodiment of machine men.
This is the worst gaming news I've heard since Sony announced the EU PS3 will be delayed, more expensive and have "software" backward compatibility instead of dedicated hardware (like everywhere else.)

Seriously if it wasn't for the Nexus and the modding community over the last 4 years my time spent gaming would have dropped by 50%. Absolutely unbelievable, the embodiment of machine men.

That is Valve for you, they are just money grubbers. Abusing Steam to drain as much profit out of the community with no effort on their part. It's like trading cards but actually harmful.
That is Valve for you, they are just money grubbers. Abusing Steam to drain as much profit out of the community with no effort on their part. It's like trading cards but actually harmful.

from what gabe said on reddit he makes it sound like he had no idea.

He must have a very silent role in valve now or just total BS from him
On Thursday I was flying back from LA. When I landed, I had 3,500 new messages. Hmmm. Looks like we did something to pee off the Internet.

Yesterday I was distracted as I had to see my surgeon about a blister in my eye (#FuchsDystrophySucks), but I got some background on the paid mods issues.

So here I am, probably a day late, to make sure that if people are pee'd off, they are at least pee'd off for the right reasons.

Almost seems sarcastic with the blister in his eye lol

It was obvious to all gamers the backlash would come surely? I'd love to have been a fly on the wall at valve when someone bought it up
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from what gabe said on reddit he makes it sound like he had no idea.

He must have a very silent role in valve now or just total BS from him

Almost seems sarcastic with the blister in his eye llol

Aye no hate vs Gabe tbh but he is the CEO so he has say in what happens either way, and his responses on Reddit are very... like you said 'management speak'.
This is the worst gaming news I've heard since Sony announced the EU PS3 will be delayed, more expensive and have "software" backward compatibility instead of dedicated hardware (like everywhere else.)

If this is the worst gaming news you've heard in the 10 years since that, you've missed an awful lot.
worst thing is the amount of dlc and season passes.

Honestly don't see how paid modding is going to work without being ridiculously expensive for gamers.
maybe in a racing game a car fully moddelled and not just a reskin I would possibly be tempted to buy it.

buying a sword skin or slight weather effect in an RPG no way.

what worries me most is developers being lazy and just added a small amount of weapons etc to a game and expecting the community to add variety.

they will make money anyway so why waste their own time and resources?
every game for the next few years is going to be sandbox clones of skyrim if modding makes money.

instead of making their own dlc packs it's going to be packs of mods picked by them
I wonder if they'll start charging for demos and "exclusive" trailers in a few years? I was upset when a lot of developers moved soundtracks as an extra, DLC purchase, and now, mods have followed suit.

This may actually hurt them more than they know in the long run. I believe some people buy the PC version of games over the console versions because of the mod support. You limit or take that away, and they'll be no incentive to wait for it to come out on Steam.
you must have missed all the paid betas and paid demos.
Back when nearly everything was file planet subscription only.

although betas are paid anyway, a lot of the time we even pay for promises of a game even though kick-started games have a failure rate of something like 75%

Actually when you think about it.... no surprise they decided paid mods was acceptable.
they already monetised everything else

It's pretty weird since free 2 play was all the rage for the last few years, now suddenly every gamer has pockets full of cash.

They must have extracted a fortune from selling stuff in cs/tf2 to even consider this a viable model
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COUGH, in seriousness though, every new action Valve takes is making me rethink my ability to stay with them. (I already wont be touching newer Bethesda list of acceptable Developers/Publishers is becoming...very small. :( )

you must have missed all the paid betas and paid demos.
Back when nearly everything was file planet subscription only.

although betas are paid anyway, a lot of the time we even pay for promises of a game even though kick-started games have a failure rate of something like 75%

Actually when you think about it.... no surprise they decided paid mods was acceptable.
they already monetised everything else

It's pretty weird since free 2 play was all the rage for the last few years, now suddenly every gamer has pockets full of cash.

They must have extracted a fortune from selling stuff in cs/tf2 to even consider this a viable model

Apparently its somewhere around a quarter of a billion.
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If this is the worst gaming news you've heard in the 10 years since that, you've missed an awful lot.
Oh there's been some massively bad news in the gaming world, some of which I'll list that really ****** me off:

- Mass Effect 3 ending was devastatingly awful.
- The Old Republic being **** and pretty much killing off any chance of KotOR 3
- Final Fantasy XIII and all it's spinoffs, nothing good from it at all.
- The FFXI sequel FFXIV being an absolute pile of bull - it's remake being a WoW clone.
- The recent Star Wars Battle(field)front pretty much destroying the series.
- Ubisoft taking away CD keys from tens of thousands of people because some sellers (incl Origin) bought from sources they deemed dodgy.
- EA and pretty every decision it makes.

With that list, this move by Valve to single-handedly destroy such an awesome community and source of so much gaming joy is the worst for me personally. It's so wickedly evil in how they've implemented it. It's Thatcher-esque in its nature.
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