Steam Workshop allowing creators to charge for mods

valve pretty much turned into a full on publisher

They'll probably just release the new source engine and let the users make and sell hl3 one pixel at a time
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Nah, I meant buy the game, pirate the mods :p

Once that becomes widespread (and it probably will) Steam will introduce DRM that either encrypts the mods or require you to boot the game via Steam only and verify that you own the mods in your drive or ignore them. Thats basically how downloaded games work now.

The only way to get them to work will be a shoddy pirate copy of the game that bypasses Steam (which most mods don't work properly with anyway) or pay up.

Whats even more annoying that having to pay for mods? Using the free version & getting adverts to pay!

I have no idea what mod this is. Even if it isnt true, how long do you think it'd be until someone comes up with it?

Whats even more annoying that having to pay for mods? Using the free version & getting adverts to pay!

I have no idea what mod this is. Even if it isnt true, how long do you think it'd be until someone comes up with it?

Midas Magic I believe, the mod author has always been a condescending **** from what I remember after reading some of his mod documentation a few years back.

In other news, apparently Skyrim's review score on Steam has dropped from "overwhelmingly positive" to "very positive" due to players changing their reviews in protest.
gabe/valve the founding fathers of sweatshop modding.

Steam has become a pretty sleazy concern. Allowing anything with even a tenuous link to being called a game to be sold on their platform, has turned them into the internet version of Exchange and Mart.

And now this exploit-the-modders fiasco.

A rather grubby state of affairs.
Tripwire have confirmed that the specific EULA about mods has existed since 2006, and was not a new addition in light of the introducton of paid mods by Valve.

Oh well, sticks it to Gabe :p

Well, Tripwire Interactive, I salute you:

Tripwire Interactive has updated its EULA for Killing Floor 2 stating that any mods players create for the game must be distributed free-of-charge.

The end user agreement update, via PCgamesN, went live a couple of days after Valve announced it would allow mod creators to start charging for their creations. Bethesda is the first company to endorse the new incentive, and if we’re interpreting Tripwire correctly, it doesn’t sound as though it will follow suit any time soon.

“Your Mods must be distributed for free, period,” reads the clause. “Neither you, nor any other person or party, may sell them to anyone, commercially exploit them in any way, or charge anyone for receiving or using them without prior written consent from Tripwire Interactive.

“You may exchange them at no charge among other end users and distribute them to others over the Internet, on magazine cover disks, or otherwise for free.”

This is the second time the developer has updated its EULA, the first pertaining to its stance on abusing other players or using cheats. If a player is found guilty of either, Tripwire said it would revoked the offender’s CD key and ban them from the game servers.
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Would be nice if there was enough backlash that valve would do a turn. Especially if enough people boycotted valve or even just started buying game's elsewhere in protest but would never happen.
Valve I always thought they where there to save PC gaming for the best but all I see is them finding more ways to make money for doing nothing, its why they don't make games anymore what with all valve staff members time spent thinking of new ways to milk, you watch next it will be £5 a week to be able to play multiplayer.
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