Stellaris - Paradox Interactive

I noticed you was critical of recent space 4X games. How does this compare with say GalCiv 3?

Also if anyone knows, can you adjust the UI? Looks small in some screenshots, is there a way of making it bigger?

Having played both, Stellaris is much better game than GalCiv 3 imho.
Ofc if you want to build your own spaceships brick by brick, Gal Civ 3 is for you. Here we have chassis and weapons options only, per class. Not brick by brick build up.
How do you expand your influence?

Ive been stuck with the same borders for a long ass time now and i cant seem to expand them.
My colonies have maxed out, resources maxed out yet its not changed for most of the game.
How do you expand your influence?

Ive been stuck with the same borders for a long ass time now and i cant seem to expand them.
My colonies have maxed out, resources maxed out yet its not changed for most of the game.

i'm struggling with the same. apparently u need to upgrade ur capital or declare an enemy a rival in order to gain influence.
Can anyone tell me if/how I can upgrade research or mining station defences? I've got some weapon reseach completed but when building a new research station it still has the 'initial' weapons systems...
How do you expand your influence?

Ive been stuck with the same borders for a long ass time now and i cant seem to expand them.
My colonies have maxed out, resources maxed out yet its not changed for most of the game.

i'm struggling with the same. apparently u need to upgrade ur capital or declare an enemy a rival in order to gain influence.

You guys know you can build colonies outside your borders right? Also you use frontier outposts as temporary border pushers, dissemble them when you need more influence. Dont keep them up forever. You can set rivals and get research and buildings that increase your influence. And yeah set planets as sectors so you dont go over the limit.
2016-05-12 v1.0.2

- Fixed exploits in species customization which allowed players ignore limits to trait and ethic points etc.
- Improved performance for war demands view
- 'Hostile fleet detected' is now only shown when the fleet is heading towards one of your colonized systems, preventing massive spam in large wars.
- UI fixes in server browser
- It is now possible to connect directly to a server id
- Fixed CTD when renaming sectors
- Fixed CTD when fleets were traveling too far away from the galaxy center
- Fixed CTD when a country was destroyed as a result of combat
- Fixed CTD caused by ships shooting at ships that are not visible
- Fixed an issue where you could not build space ports with some screen resolutions
- It is no longer possible to build robot pops on uncolonized planets
- Game pads are now turned off by default as this caused stuttering on some configurations. Game pads can be enabled again with the -gamepad launch option or the "gamepad" console command
Finally got a chance to play at 2am this morning after sorting my 6700k build.

The Galactic British Empire is forging ahead with informing the galaxy how to speak English correctly, when to put the teabag in and how to queue.

We're Intelligent, Slow Breeders, Sedentary and Industrious. So +10% Science, +15% Growth Time, +50% Migration Time, +33+ Resettlement Cost and +15% Minerals.

On top of that we're Individualists, Xenophiles and Materialist. So +10% Credits, -50% Slavery tolerance, +5% ethics divergence, -10% Xenophobia and +5% Science.

We're a democracy so I can control 7 planets and soon 9.

Playing with wormholes and from just my home system there are 19 habitable planets, 8 of which are suitable for me (3 without research) and 2 of those 3 are in the same system! A 17 and a 24.

6 hours in or so and I have 6 planets and 3 outposts. Building an outpost where needed until I can colonise and then dismantle it and build elsewhere. No alliances or anything yet, just a few trade deals. Only just declared a couple of rivals because a) they hated me anyway and b) the influence is handy to get.

So far London, Birmingham, Manchester, Liverpool, Leeds, Glasgow are all doing ok, though 3 only got formed very very recently so are still very new and need managing.

Hopefully I can get the change so that I can control 9 planets before I need to give one of the potato sector AI.
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