Stellaris - Paradox Interactive

I've just started a new game, this time using wormholes as my means of FTL travel. I think this is my new favourite thing. There's no travel time between systems, and each FTL jump can be immense. So I can fly fleets from one end of my empire to another really astonishingly quickly. The long wormhole range gives me some interesting strategic options that would not have been possible with warp or hyperspace travel. Like reaching the other side of another empire's space without ever passing through it. Or in a war situation, I'm spoiled for choice in terms of what to attack.
I've just started a new game, this time using wormholes as my means of FTL travel. I think this is my new favourite thing. There's no travel time between systems, and each FTL jump can be immense. So I can fly fleets from one end of my empire to another really astonishingly quickly. The long wormhole range gives me some interesting strategic options that would not have been possible with warp or hyperspace travel. Like reaching the other side of another empire's space without ever passing through it. Or in a war situation, I'm spoiled for choice in terms of what to attack.

How do you do this?
I've just started a new game, this time using wormholes as my means of FTL travel. I think this is my new favourite thing. There's no travel time between systems, and each FTL jump can be immense. So I can fly fleets from one end of my empire to another really astonishingly quickly. The long wormhole range gives me some interesting strategic options that would not have been possible with warp or hyperspace travel. Like reaching the other side of another empire's space without ever passing through it. Or in a war situation, I'm spoiled for choice in terms of what to attack.

You also run the risk of ripping a hole in space time with every jump which could, and probably would, end really badly for you :p
Finally learnt enough to have a good game, don't think anyone can resist my might now.

big light red splodge at 1 o'clock.

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Is this a game where I need to spend plenty of time on single player before venturing to the multi player servers?

In my experience so far, yes!


What's the early tactics in this game? I have the science ship scouting outwards, and a construction ship following mining mostly reds (minerals) and then power (lightning bolts). Should I be setting up research stations early? I'm thinking no, because I can't do anything without minerals and power credits so might as well focus there first? I've also been trying to build up my military fleet as soon as I can. I haven't been bothering with the army on my home planet.

I've started about a dozen games in the 14 hours of gameplay to date. I feel I learn a little bit, and then have to start over due to OCD/perfectionism.

Would like to discuss early tactics if anyone can be bothered. :cool:
Early tactics so far from what I've played:
Get colonies up as soon as you can afford to. Depending on how you have the game and AI set up. In my first game I stupidly didn't take the Colony Ship tech at the start, thinking I would consolidate what I had first before venturing further out. I was swiftly surrounded with no room to expand without war - not cool - because the tech didn't become available to research again for quite some time! Similarly in my most recent MP game I had the tech straight away, but focussed more on mining stations than colonies. Again, I was blocked from expanding quite quickly, whereas my mate had free reign to triple the size of his empire very early days.

I think now that the best route is to get one or two colonies up reasonably quickly, whilst exploring outwards with a science ship. Always keep a fleet near your home system(s) with a reasonable force (2-300 early days) just to fend off any hostile critters or pirates. You can use Frontier Outposts early on to make quick claims to systems that you intend on colonising, just don't forget to remove/destroy them as they will eat into your influence resource.

I find the number of leaders you can have at any one time quite limiting too. In the current MP game I've got leaders who are all into their 100-120 year range and are starting to die off, but I didn't have enough available slots (due to researchers and multiple fleets) to hire new ones and get them trained up. So I have a good increase in experience and leader quality right up until they die and it takes a plunge, rinse and repeat. Quite aggravating actually.
The influence part of the game is so tedious and sometimes boring, I can't spread out as much as I'd like because it's going up like +3 and I need 200! just for an outpost
The influence part of the game is so tedious and sometimes boring, I can't spread out as much as I'd like because it's going up like +3 and I need 200! just for an outpost

The reason is that you should get involved in the diplomacy. Which is not the same as a CIV game, but complex like in Crusader Kings II.

So you either declare rivals and you get influence, or you do not over expand or you form alliances.

Ignoring diplomacy you will find yourself alone against whole federations of AI ready to wipe you from the face of the galaxy.

Also, if correct (need to load a game where I did that and am sure that did happen), by making outposts and assigning them to the nearest province you do not pay the influence tax, while your borders still holding.
My favourite thing about this game is I can run it on my crappy laptop that was previously limited to games like hotline miami. All that lovely black nothingness keeping it happy.
Ok, I'll read back through the rest of this thread but, after seeing a couple of playthrough videos I decided to buy this yesterday.

Played about 8 hours over 4 games and was annihilated almost as soon as I settled on another planet. Every. Single. Time. Nowhere near another system, just get a message that I've annoyed someone and they send a fleet. A huge fleet.

I'm sure I'm doing something very obvious completely wrong.
Ok, I'll read back through the rest of this thread but, after seeing a couple of playthrough videos I decided to buy this yesterday.

Played about 8 hours over 4 games and was annihilated almost as soon as I settled on another planet. Every. Single. Time. Nowhere near another system, just get a message that I've annoyed someone and they send a fleet. A huge fleet.

I'm sure I'm doing something very obvious completely wrong.

That is very weird, not had that happen yet in any of my games. Had a few games where the AI has gone to war with me but usually after I've colonised many planets.
Ok, I'll read back through the rest of this thread but, after seeing a couple of playthrough videos I decided to buy this yesterday.

Played about 8 hours over 4 games and was annihilated almost as soon as I settled on another planet. Every. Single. Time. Nowhere near another system, just get a message that I've annoyed someone and they send a fleet. A huge fleet.

I'm sure I'm doing something very obvious completely wrong.

Change the option so you don't give the AI advanced starts and make sure you're only on Normal difficulty
I noticed you was critical of recent space 4X games. How does this compare with say GalCiv 3?

Also if anyone knows, can you adjust the UI? Looks small in some screenshots, is there a way of making it bigger?

It is a lot better than galciv 3, however there are bad points. I'm not sure about replayability now I've essentially become the most powerful empire in an 800 star galaxy I've lost the interest of a very boring war mechanic. By far the weakest part of the game.

The other big issue is the random tech selection. Normally your are fine, but occasionally you can miss important stuff for ages. One game I didn't take colonisation and it took ages for it to show again.
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