Stellaris - Paradox Interactive

I've never played a Civilisation type game or anything remotely close to this game apart from RTS games and I'm really enjoying it. I built a fleet up last night to nearly 3k power and went and destroyed my neighbours fleets, though because I hadn't set any war objectives I didn't gain anything from it. I'll have to work that part out tonight.

Also took me a while to work out how to merge fleets, now I have my 1st Northern Fleet and 1st Southern Fleet. Fun game.
Can someone please explain to me how I expand the big red zone (which I take it is the limit of my boundary). I want to set up mining stations a little further out, I put down a wormhole on a further out planet thinking it might act as a stepping stone, but doesnt seem to have done anything.

The game doesnt do a very good job at explaining things.
Put 5 hours into this now and hit a total influence wall.

Its very good but once i get to about 4-5 planets it gets on top of me abit with scientists dying constantly.
Put 5 hours into this now and hit a total influence wall.

Its very good but once i get to about 4-5 planets it gets on top of me abit with scientists dying constantly.

Yep had exactly the same problem, my whole empire ground to a halt through no influence. I ended up restarting and used influence a lot more carefully and it's going much better this time around. As people have mentioned here with certain government types you can get boosts to it through mandates
The patch had fixed my performance issues, so happy days.

I'm going to put in a few hours on a test game where I'm just following tutorials, as has been said this game is quite complicated and not very intuitive.

Like, I've paused the game and set up a couple of scouting missions for technology and they're going to take 20 months or whatever... Do I just hit space bar and sit and wait or should I be trying to cram as much activity in as possible before letting it all run?
Can someone please explain to me how I expand the big red zone (which I take it is the limit of my boundary). I want to set up mining stations a little further out, I put down a wormhole on a further out planet thinking it might act as a stepping stone, but doesnt seem to have done anything.

The game doesnt do a very good job at explaining things.

colonise planets, research border extension if its available. Construct frontier bases, but they take 200 influence and cost 2 energy and 1 influence a month.
haha you've not even played but you taught me something. I were getting a little confused with the Outposts and when to colonize. I only have one, but now I see that you simply use them to expand until you can colonize that system?.

Crazy huh, I'm down in London working and won;t be back till Thursday morning, so with a lot of spare time I've been watching a lot of Lets Plays, like 10 hours worth. Mostly Quills and Scott Manleys. I'm tearing my hair out becuase they are missing things! lol

You can use the outposts to just get a foothold until you colonise, or just use them to get access to some good mineral/energy/reseach points until such time as your empire covers it through colonisation.

Without going through tutorials again, how do I merge fleets, found the button to split them.

Ran out of money this go, pretty early on. Had 6 systems.

Ran out of credits or minerals? You can trade both with the AI for things like star charts or promises not to raid them. To help with credits, get the solar panel research when it pops up, you can put them on every starbase and basically it makes them free to maintain with just one solar panel. For minerals, just remember building a new mineral mine or station is more efficient than upgrading an existing one.

so are people using pew pew lasers missiles or cannons

I'm tempted to go missiles to start but then go with one of the tohers. Missiles have 100% chance to hit so good in the early game but much beyond that every fleet will have lots of point defence so the missiles never land.

I'm finding the game very confusing at the moment, not quite sure on a strategy. But the two attempts I had, ran out of energy on them both.

Anyone have any tips on how to go update the planet upgrades for the tiles? You know, power plants, mining, placing adjacent to get the bonus etc etc.

The adjacency bonus only comes for the 4 tiles immediately next to the admin building on each planet, and even then, only once you've upgraded it from the landed starship (you need 5 pop for that).

Just select a tile on the screen and on the right click the upgrade button and select the upgrade you want.
Got an end game event where the swarm invaded my galaxy. Managed to fight it back, but its currently bugged where the queen doesn't spawn so I can't kill her to end the attack. :(
Really liking how sectors work, btw if you add a frontier outpost to a sector you no longer have to pay influence points towards it, freeing you up to accrue more influence to spend on more frontier outposts.

So far it's going quite well due to me cutting off two hyperspace empires early in the game and using a weak empire as a buffer early game.


War, they surrendered and I couldn't attack them again for 10 years? seems stupid.
there wasn't anything in the list to force them to vassal all planets.
War, they surrendered and I couldn't attack them again for 10 years? seems stupid.
there wasn't anything in the list to force them to vassal all planets.

There is a cooldown on declaring war, though vassal should have been one of the war goals.

Also be careful with sectors, the AI is a potato and won't manage things very well.


Also a nice little guide of building up your fleets
thanks, the only one available was vassal a planet to another civilisation.
where I just wanted to ahnilate them or cease all planets.

Is there a tech tree yet?
Well I was doing well, but both my fleets were annihilated by my Southern neighbour who I didn't attack, then I rebuilt and managed to destroy his fleet but now he's back with a bigger fleet and I have nothing. He's part of a huge alliance, does not want peace and is bombarding my Capitol planet. Bad times.
I have three science ships all out on research missions. If I click on the science icon at the bottom left, it shows one of the ships. How do I toggle to another ship without hunting the whole universe for them?
What does analysing debris actually do, I see it give a +to physics etc. but my numbers don't actually increase in the top bar.

In the top bar is how much science points you generate per month from your planets and stuff if you have no research going it builds up. When a quest gives you say 30 Physics, it just adds it to your stockpile. At the end of each month your existing stockpile is consumed on the current research.

So researching Lasers I might cost 360 points, you generate 5 of those a month. So the research would take 72 months if just left alone. But you do a quest and it gives you 60 research points, so now at the end of that month those points get spent on your current research, saving you 12 months on that project.

I have three science ships all out on research missions. If I click on the science icon at the bottom left, it shows one of the ships. How do I toggle to another ship without hunting the whole universe for them?

Right hand side of the screen in your Outliner, all your science ships are listed there.
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