Stellaris - Paradox Interactive

Is this worth getting for £20 on Steam? I was tempted at launch but was wary of having to wait and pay for 2 years worth of DLC before it was any good.

unfortunately got the game but I'm on holidays abroad. Played only two hours on Thursday night and I have no idea what was dlc and what was patch 1.5.
so many chages I was lost.
Bought utopia off cd keys and upgraded stellar is to galaxy edition thanks to steam having it on offer. Yet to play it yet though.
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I haven't played in nearly a year. Got Utopia and wtf this game is hard now.

No it's not I normally play on on normal difficulty with the ai turned on to be aggressive I normally own them.

As for fun it depends on what your after I enjoy the game my only wish is for more technology as it all feels samey
I've got about 50 hours played total now and am really liking Utopia but i still suck at the game pretty badly. Anybody got any tips for fleet composition? Also, when it comes to planets should i be trying to specialise planets to produce food/minerals/energy? At the moment i'm basically just sticking to upgrading tiles based on the tile resources that are already there but i'm not sure thats the best strategy?
That actually does look pretty cool, might have me dusting off my Stellaris for that.
Yea. Once I am done with other games I am playing, I will be giving it a go. Not rushing as it is still in alpha and changes/new things are being added all the time. But there is already plenty there :)

Once completed, it has the potential to be one of my favourite mods ever.
Installed Star Trek: New Horizons and gave it a quick go yesterday. Something wonderful happened when I scanned a planet and did research on it. An alien probe locked onto the captain and but him/her to sleep. Immediately I was faced with question like shall we raise shields to cut of the beam, or move away to create distance from the probe etc.

Obviously any TNG fan will remember this from the episode "The Inner Light" :)

It was great and put a huge smile on my face :D

Edit: Wow, what a coincidence, my last post was EXACTLY 4 days ago down to the minute!
Tempted by the humble bundle on this but never playing the civ games not sure what to expect? Is it single in terms of turn based and a steep learning curve?
Tempted by the humble bundle on this but never playing the civ games not sure what to expect? Is it single in terms of turn based and a steep learning curve?

It's not turn based.

If you've never played a civ game then you might find this a bit daunting. That being said its quite intuitive and all the crap you need to know is often displayed hovering the cursor over it. It's just getting your bearings around the screens/menus and knowing what does what. And as for a Paradox game, it's REALLY easy to pick up compared to say EUIV or CK2.

I've got about 50 hours played total now and am really liking Utopia but i still suck at the game pretty badly. Anybody got any tips for fleet composition? Also, when it comes to planets should i be trying to specialise planets to produce food/minerals/energy? At the moment i'm basically just sticking to upgrading tiles based on the tile resources that are already there but i'm not sure thats the best strategy?

I only have Battleships and Cruisers in my fleet. This is no doubt wrong, but everything else is made out of paper and constantly replacing them is just a huge pain in the ass. To compensate I have two variations of each ship so one might have all out massive cannons and the other type has small time stuff like PD and hangers etc.

Build for what you need. I'm always building over farm tiles with other stuff because 20+ surplus food is worthless. Often happens when I dissolve a sector and there's farms everywhere that I don't need. And I like sectors. I'm lazy and constantly starting up 20 tile colonies is laborious process. Even worse with synth pops as you have to build them yourself as the stupid sector manager doesn't! So it's easier to let the AI build it from scratch and then when you make it a core world, replace buildings to your choosing. With Adams patch you can now get 75% stockpiled resources back from sectors at a cost of 100 influence.

No it's not I normally play on on normal difficulty with the ai turned on to be aggressive I normally own them.

The AI was more passive back then. Just needed to build a bigger fleet.

Still don't understand the tech tree. I'm 300 years into my current game I'm pretty sure I still haven't researched the crew module yet.

Also borked myself with the genetic ascension perks. Basically on my second upgrade perk, I modified my species so I ended up with 4 positive traits. On the 3 upgrade perk, I have 3 trait points - but I can't use them. I have the max amount of traits so I can't add anymore, can't upgrade a trait (i.e strong to very strong) and I can't remove positive trait. So I'm stuck with with 3 points I cannot use. It's a dodgy path and I was really surprised that Evolution Mastery doesn't even let me upgrade my traits wtf.

How is performance? Game gets a bit laggy for me with a 6/700k fleet. Would like to try huge galaxy but don't think late game would be much fun. Unbidden and Scourge are rubbish now :(

Love the random events and anomalies. Currently helping gas aliens colonize gas giants :)
got the utopia expansion, so not worth the £15, it does improve the game a little.

Still find it frustrating, new game got 3 planets and 1k fleet. Still very early on, the first alien I find has 101k with super battleships (I'm still on corvettes) and they declare war instantly. No surprise I lost in like seconds. I don't understand how, should have checked race, even if the rare species I didn't think they declared war so early on.
got the utopia expansion, so not worth the £15, it does improve the game a little.

Still find it frustrating, new game got 3 planets and 1k fleet. Still very early on, the first alien I find has 101k with super battleships (I'm still on corvettes) and they declare war instantly. No surprise I lost in like seconds. I don't understand how, should have checked race, even if the rare species I didn't think they declared war so early on.

When you start a game you can choose how many accelerated AI starts there are, as well as how many Fallen Empires. Personally I go for no accelerated starts and max Fallen Empires. There are 4 (maybe 6?) Fallen Empires, one is militaristic and far more likely to declare war if you offend them. Others are more peaceful or reclusive and don't interfere. Your start may have just been bad luck.
got the utopia expansion, so not worth the £15, it does improve the game a little.

Still find it frustrating, new game got 3 planets and 1k fleet. Still very early on, the first alien I find has 101k with super battleships (I'm still on corvettes) and they declare war instantly. No surprise I lost in like seconds. I don't understand how, should have checked race, even if the rare species I didn't think they declared war so early on.

It sounds like you annoyed a Fallen Empire
Your start may have just been bad luck.
oh i have no doubt it was bad luck and a fallen empire, I've never seen them attack so early though (literally you've met someone, close screen. Declared war instantly). its really annoying as the start of the game is so slow and pretty boring, and end game wasn't exciting, they have improved that slightly but not enough for £15
For those of you who have really enjoyed this game, there's a great mod for you all :) :

Nice, there is another one also I posted about. I am going to wait until they are final and play them then. Looks promising though. Certainly will be more fun than playing vanilla stellaris :)
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