Story behind your forum username?

Old mmo gaming name derived from strange pseudo intilectual obsesion with chess in my late teens.

About a year after I started using the name channel 4 released E4 and everyone thinks it's cos of that
I picked my username in about 2007 when signing up to the Playstation Network, and weirdly it wasn't because of the acme corporation from the looney tunes cartoons...

Don't they supply you with cars? :p

My username is because I have no imagination. Lucky number is three. My name is Clarance.. :)

Something to do with my job, can’t think what...... :p

My former name was the trucks model number which used to cause confusion / ridicule so I changed it to the make instead. :)

it wasn't because of the acme corporation from the looney tunes cartoons
An illusion shattered. :/
It was my username at uni. It's an amalgamation of che (for the chemistry dept I was studying in) and my initials. I also use a random alphanumeric password that was given to me on a science project as the core of many of my unimportant log-ins. Although now I tend to use randoms generated by KeePass for everything.
One of the very first forums I joined on the internet was a guitar forum, circa 1999/2000. I've stuck with the same username ever since.

Unfortunately, my dreams to become a rock star didn't quite pan out. :D
When I was about 14 and I thought I was cool for drinking bitter, I combined the two and used to be MrWorthington on Wireplay (and the internet generally). People started calling me Worthy and it stuck.

It's weird cause a lot of people call it me IRL now too.
I was dmpoole for years which is my name

A couple of posters kept trying to wind me up and called me Dimple which was a play on dmpoole so I eventually had it changed.

A while back I asked a question about logging on and said I put my username name in and my password SexyGreyFox and some people actually believed it and the Mods changed my name for a laugh - it stuck.

There was even one member who got perma-banned who actually thought I'd had multiple usernames to 'hide myself' and he started to get nasty making loads of stuff up.
He had a problem with me because on another forums I said Spie had always been nice to me in real life but his brother had a fall out with him.

My password is actually I'veSeenLedZeppelinLiveFourTimes
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