Story behind your forum username?

Mine is 2 fold, I used to go by Dez when I was a young metalhead because it was Coal Chamber's lead singer's name and they were my favourite band. Eventually I started liking dance music and wanted to become a DJ so I thought I'd be DJ Dez but that sounded a bit naff so I dropped the e. Thus when I signed up I called myself iamdjdz.
Eventually I became OK at djing at youth club and a few younger social events at bars but my car was stolen with all my records and I gave up because I couldn't afford to replace them. Years of paper round money down the drain. I still have decks and still like both metal and dance music so I'm happy to keep my username as it is. I don't use it now for things though.
I know I have done similar threads before, such as your favourite username, or the one you find most amusing etc, but this time I'm asking if there was any inspiration behind your own username!
My User name from my boat I sold about 18 years ago ;)

First time after all these years i notice the name is Chaparrel and not chaparral :o
if there was any inspiration behind your own username!

On another messageboard I used to use my initials, but I couldn't search on only three letters, so I changed my moniker to Quartz which bears a passing similarity to my initials. I've used it everywhere ever since.
Mine is named after an infamous jpeg that a fellow forum member used to post around in the old overclockers #motors IRC channel.
Made my username when I was 13 years old. When these forums were first around. I was asking for an opinion of the Radeon 7500 that was for sale to play RTCW. It seemed cool at the time but is really quite lame now I am in my early thirties!

It was also my username in counterstrike and red alert 2.
I saw the mafia avatars and thought it'd go with the theme, plus I'm 'Uncle Pete' to all my friends and family's kids.
For whatever reason, it sounds more "Want some sweeties? Get in the van" when written down :D :o
It popped into my head when I was trying to think of a name to use. There's probably a connection with the Sindarin Elvish language created by JRR Tolkien because I'd been reading about it at the time. It sort of sounds like it would fit into that language.
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