Street Fighter (SFIV, SSFIV, HDR)

Tekken Tag 2 combos are incredibly easy and there are massive juggles where you cant do jack, are you trying to say that TT2 takes more skill than SF4? Everything in Tekken is the equivilent to a target combo in SF and there is next to no zoning options.
lol you must have never play a 3d fighter. 3d games is more about taking turns/baiting and frame trapping than zoning. also sf4 combos are very easy in case you dont notice already. i hate tekken but ttt2 is a very technical game.

umvc3 is strategically a much harder game than sf4 and kof, since one mistake in neutral can cost you the game and there is way more match up/situation to know. and as easy as the game is there are far harder combo that is required than anything sf4 has, plus proper movement is far harder to achieve in this game than other games since its required consistently to play past scrub level.

mk and injustice doesnt even play like the capcom games and require a different skill set. smash all about footsies, it might have no combos, but movement and space control isnt easy.

combos does not determine how hard a fighting game is. and there is no 80% combo in sfxt because of damage scaling.

every game requires a different skill, but i guess calling it sf and getting a random knock down to vortex the other guy to death means more skills to some people. newer games in general is toned down for beginers, just like sf4 is a super watered down version of st with every character having no bs option, umvc3 has xfactor and moves with a lot of dodgy hitboxes and property, even persona and blazblue is a toned down version of gg. the few new games closest to a old games are ttt2, vf5 and kof13.
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Omaeka I don't know if it's complete ignorance or general lack of knowledge in fighting games, combo difficulty does not determine how 'scrubby' a fighting game is. There's a number of things to consider outside of combos like footsies, frame data knowledge, match up knowledge, movement etc etc. I think Tekken games require the most skill to be successful at, I really love the games but I'm terrible at them because I can't dedicate the time needed to be good at them.

The only game I can't comment on out of the ones you mentioned is Smash as I have never played it but I think most fighting games and especially the ones you mentioned take a fair amount of skill to be good at.
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LOL! C'mon dude, Tekken has nothing difficult whatsoever as far as combos go, Street Fighter has tons of 1 frame links in most characters. If Street Fighter 4 is easy then Tekken is something a 5 year old could do. A game that has huge juggles is never going to be taken seriously, last time I checked more people cared about SF at EVO than Tekken, Tekken players are unknown, everyone knows Diago/Wolfkrone/Infilitration/Tokido/Latiff/Fuudo/Gamerbee and I could go on. I'm bad at fighters yet raped consistantly on Tekken 6.

Once a game has such huge juggles it's a case of who can launch the other first, they are boring to play and boring to watch. Getting out one of Yun's combos with several 1 60th of a second links is far harder than anything you'll do in Tekken. I'd expect this kind of mentality from the PCGames forum as far as fighters are concerned, I expected people in consoles to know what they are on about.

I'm not saying Tekken is easy, but as far as E-sports go it's the lowest one. They'll never dethrone Street Fighter.

It's like comparing CoD to Quake...
hell, i dont like smash, mk, tekken, sf4 and many other games, but i appreciate the skill to be good at the game.

edit: lol at yun having 1 frame links in sf4, i guess doing qcb p in the corner with yun over and over is really hard and exciting. no offence, who did you rape on? some random beginner online? why not try landing a hit on the Koeran gods and come back and tell me how scrubby this game is. dont knows what your definition of skill, but being the more popular game in the US does not equal to being a skilled game.
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I ain't got a clue what's happening in the smash bros final.. It's like 2 v 1, how's that fair lol.. Looks crazy, but like they say its marvel jr.

IMHO, tekken is very difficult to master.. I'm ok but I would never say its messy.
Tech wise, I would have to say sf3 and alpha 3 are top. Guilty gear is a great game, but the difficulty of it is crazy high due to the near perfect timings needed.
in terms of difficulty in a 2d fighter, i think gg, alpha 3 and cvs2 are the hardest because of the precision you have to be with space control and tight custom combos.

even in 3s you can get away with guess parry, short short super or low forward super with chun li, and even i can do that, which is saying something.
Yep Tekken takes some skill but as a 3D fighter it will never compare to the 2Ds. Guilty Gear/Blaz Blue/Skull Girls should feature majorly at EVO alongside Street Fighter rather than everything riding the coatails of MvC/SF/KOF.
Yeah he's very good, makes Green Arrow look a lot better than he actually is. He has a very good Adam as well to cover the bad match ups, I'd like to see KDZ take it myself but Chris probably going to be too strong.
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