Street Fighter (SFIV, SSFIV, HDR)

ChrisG is so boring, every game it's the same cheese and yet he has the nerve to cry and moan when he loses and talks crap about the other players? No wonder he gets boo'd off stage win or lose.

Heh, first loss from him I've seen where he wasn't salty. Maybe he's changing.
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I don't have too much GL knowledge because none of the guys I play against use him but I know for certain that low starter into missile can be interrupted, don't think Chris knew though.
If Chris G takes this, all them dedicated MK9 and Injustice players should stop whining or playing altogether. :p

EDIT - Well that's a shame. :(
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My god who would've thought it would end like that.

Okay then.......Justin to win Marvel and Daigo to win AE, the status quo will finally have returned and balanced to the universe is complete LOL! :D
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