Give over you are just using this to have a go at the club. Apart from mutu* (drugs related) How many clubs have sold their star player for bad behavior? Your fake concern is just an excuse to have a go at liverpool fc. Its that simple. Hell you've been awol from the forums but surprise, surprise you make a return for the suarez incident.
*mutu star player debatable
They didn't sell the player, they gave him a huge ******* raise and a new contract though.......
He had a contract, it wasn't up they gave him more money after getting yet another ban. It's hard to fire players, though it has happened, but to reward him with a huge salary increase is a completely different matter. Hey, you missed 1/4 of the season from a needless ban because you can't control yourself, how about extending his contract and saying you'll give him less a week, with some of that back if he behaves... nope, just a flat out huge increase despite epically unprofessional behaviour. They rewarded his bite at Ajax by buying him and giving him more money then, then they did it again. Regardless of missing was it 18 games because of his two bans just at liverpool, they gave him a pay bump, not a decrease. Not massive warnings, not an incentive to stop ******* around, just more money.
It's like a kid who does something wrong, saying no while handing him a treat every time he does something wrong, it is beyond stupid and suggesting it's anything to do with someone having a go at Liverpool is equally stupid.
I said the same thing about Arsenal, different situation but Adebayor spent the entire summer begging to leave, talking about moving to Milan etc, then despite being on 40k a week and having a contract we gave him double the salary as a reward for behaving like a prat, and doing your best to leave a club isn't in the same ballpark as a second bite with a racism charge in the middle with a whole bunch of nasty stamps that particular season as well.
It IS categorically stupid of Liverpool to reward his worst season behaviour wise with a huge raise.