The only dead ball situations are corners are they???
Like I said - bad politicians make similar remarks
Ok fair enough let me alter that, Giggs and Nani take all of our set pieces between them. That better for you?
Didnt Ronaldo and Messi score 50 each last season.......I have no idea how many assists they got but thats on a totally other level to nearly everyone else, not sure how you can bring Nani in to that and not be laughed at
I'm not trying to compare Nani to them, I'm simply stating that you cant name another winger in the world that did significantly better in front of goal than Nani last season. Something you've conveniently chosen to ignore
Of course it doesnt HAVE to result in a goal, but a ***** load of Nani's chances were wasted by him rather than passing to a much better placed player (and not just wasted, but well high and wide or taken to far and opportunity missed)
You've got ridiculously high stands tbh, he was top of the assist chart by a clear margin and yet that still isn't good enough? 18 league assists not enough then? I guess he should have had 28 according to you?
So the first two years - he had no starts or anything, it just doesnt count at all in your book? He still played a lot of games , had a lot of on pitch time
You do remember why you brought up his length of time at the club dont you? Because it seems you've totally forgotten? You brought up the length of time he's been at the club as a negative because last season his 4th in his 4 years at the club was his best.
FACT is it's only been the last 2 seasons at the club where he's been looked at as a first team starter rather than a bench warmer so it's only logical that his best season to date would be one of the last 2 which brings me onto this....
Whether you like it or not he was still available begining of last season - but you want to ignore that period because he was total **** and just gloss over it.
I'm not trying to ignore it or gloss over it, it just obvious that Nani is a confidence player and it took him a while to settle into the fact that he wasn't a bench warmer anymore but looked on to be the man (along with Valencia) to replace Ronaldo. Regardless of that he basically turned his United career around with his performances in the second half of the 09/10 season and carried that on for the majority of this season just gone.
A year difference in age is **** all at that kind of age (fine if they were 21/22 or something it might make a difference, and a lot more if Young was the one already at Utd), but Young still has to get used to players movements etc etc and just get used to the club which takes time
, so Nani has a huge advantage there with his FOUR years of experience at the club - and Nani was a regular in the team a lot longer than what you are implying (even as stated if it was out of position)
We're digressing now, suffice to say concentrating on that final sentence no he wasn't a regular in the team prior to the 09/10 season. He got games here and there but not week in week out.
Im not disputing he scored important goals - but how many "important" misses did he cost Utd as well? (Ie just not passing to a better placed player) I would bet that happened a lot more often than the important goals he scored.
I refer back to the high standards comment. But okay fair enough lets just screw the goals he did score and screw the goals he did setup because obviously they dont outweigh wrong decisions he made, he's not as good as Messi, sell him now.
I have no idea about Tevez (and never claimed to), but of those 20 goals scored by Berba, at least 50% of them were in 3 games, and 75% of them were in 5.......out of a 38 game season thats pretty **** in anyone's book
And as I've proved the leagues joint goal scorer (you know the only player that scored as many goals as Berbatov last season) has a similar record. So you bitching about Berbatov not scoring in more games basically means you're bitching about every striker in the premiership but hey ho we've now established that if your names not Messi or Ronaldo then you aint ever going to please you.
Berba still managed to miss the goal from 2 yards away (in a central position) in numerous games Utd ended up losing (or dropping points) - if players do that why do they deserve the place to start with!!
Pathetic (you'll notice now I'm getting bored with your lame argument so will retort to one word answers)
You are relying purely on guess work regarding " not only scored more goals but in different games" - so what happened in the FA CUp final then - he had perfect chances (not to mention a lot of games when Rooney was out / in the US getting fit)
Despite being left out of the team Berbatov still scored the winner against Bolton and scored the opener against Fulham, you mean to tell me that I've got no foundation for my assumption that had he also started
at least the away game to Newcastle and home game against Everton he wouldn't of scored in those as well?
You havent proven me incorrect at all (apart from adding one year onto Nani's stay at Utd - WOWWWWW) - so please try and dwell on it and have another go
Actually as well as proving you incorrect as to how long Nani has been at the club I've also proved you incorrect as to what game and the significance of it which followed Berbatov's longest barren spell in front of goal. So I have actually proved you incorrect twice