Summer Transfer Window 2017/18 - Rumours & Signings

I highly doubt it
And this is based on? Just the other week Monaco were threatening to report City and Real regarding Mbappe. Even those cheeky ****ers Southampton were being threatened by some French side for tapping up some player. Peter Coates (Stoke's chairman), when commenting on a case involving a youth player, said that Stoke never complain when they're on the receiving end of tapping up at senior level because they know everyone is at it.

This isn't a new thing either. I think it might have been Phil Thompson (or one of the Liverpool players from that generation) that mentioned in his autobiography how players would be asked to approach others while on International duty.
Yeah m8 so the papers say, was anyone reported, no so it's just so much click bait, or utter rubbish red tops, It may happen, I'm sure it used to happen a lot more than it does, but these guys know a) if caught a huge penalty to pay, and a good chance you lose your job, it happens a lot less than what the papers say.

Here you have a current Premier League chairman acknowledging that it goes on all the time. You're incredibly naive if you believe otherwise.

The reality is that at the time the tapping-up story broke, on the back of newspaper stories about Van Dijk being won over by Liverpool’s manager Jürgen Klopp, the majority of people working in the game will have wondered what all the fuss was about. “So what?” pretty much summed up the football world’s response to reports that Liverpool had been sounding out Van Dijk without Southampton’s permission.

“I think that’s absolutely true – what’s new?” Peter Coates, the Stoke City chairman, says. “And I’m not against people trying to do something about it. I’m just very cynical about it changing. I just think that’s how it is. And when it happens against us at senior level, I never complain because we know ‘everyone’s at it’ type of thing. You could almost say it’s part of the fabric [of the game].”

Plenty of agents, managers, players and boardroom executives would be nodding in agreement at Coates’s comments. What happened with Van Dijk has gone on for decades in one way or another and to such an extent that senior figures who have worked on the other side of the fence, trying to enforce regulation and deal with disputes, say it would be a conservative estimate to predict that 90% of transfers involve an element of tapping up. The number of complaints, however, is minimal, which tells a story.
Wow really m8 I'm starting to see why people always have a laugh at you on here, I never said tapping up does not take place what I was saying was in answer to the comment that baca and the player had already reached terms, ofc taping up take place but it's would always be through back channels and would not be directors of football meeting in some seedy hotel to hammer out a deal.

The times when it is blatant, they get caught pretty quick most times, i.e. Liverpool with VvD.
U wot m8?

You clearly really are that naive. If tapping up is taking place, what on earth are they talking about if it's not determining whether a player wants the move and what their demands will be? You think a club will spend weeks if not months trying to agree a transfer before knowing whether the player wants to join them and just as importantly, what his wage demands will be? Equally, do you think a player will push for a move away from a club without knowing whether that club will agree to paying him what he wants? This is exactly what goes in in 99% of transfers and nothing can be done about it. As I said, Coutinho's agent could walk into the Nou Camp and nobody would bat an eyelid - he's Mascherano's agent too after all so if anybody recognises him there's a ready made excuse.
But then you amortise the cost over the length of the contract...

What you've described is certainly the case for your usual transfer but I'm not certain it will apply here. Assuming Barca are going down the route of forcing PSG & Neymar to trigger his clause in the official way (PSG pay Neymar who in turn buys out his contract) will that £200m, that's been paid to Neymar not Barca, be accounted for in the same way a transfer fee typically is? Payments made to players (wages etc) are usually accounted for in full in that year - I'm not sure how this payment from PSG would be any different.
I'm honestly staggered by some people's inability to read on this forum. Why does saying that you don't believe Liverpool will sell Coutinho translate to Coutinho wouldn't want to join Barca?

Would Coutinho like to join Barca? Very possibly, even probably but unfortunately he can't join them without Liverpool agreeing to it which, imo, is very unlikely to happen. As you say Yas, Sanchez wants to join City but it's far from certain to happen despite him trying to push a deal through. We've not heard a word from Coutinho and he's gone about his business in pre-season as normal.
I honestly don't have a single concern over Coutinho's attitude. I know it's something that gets said a lot but from everything you see and hear about him, he's an incredibly humble person and he and his family are very settled in the area.
People without the Utd blinkers on can only judge him on last seasons performances and tbh I like Pogba but he hasn't shown anything to prove he is worth his extravagant price tag you paid for him.
See, this is what I meant when I commented on the inability of some people to read. Not justifying his price tag doesn't mean he was trash.

With forums and twitter we have to exaggerate everything, you're either the greatest or utter ****. Pogba was neither. He didn't live up to his pricetag because Utd over paid for him but at the same time he was far from trash.
This is going to be comedy gold if/when Coutinho leaves for Barca, I can see a lot of multi quotes coming with Baz's name all over them:p
Why? Have I said Coutinho won't leave?

And btw, have I done something to upset you? You seem to be acting a bit precious lately.
You didn't sign him this summer though. Sure, if you compare him to £40m for Matic or £50m for Walker then you can say it's a reasonable fee but those weren't the fee's last year. Transfer fees have gone onto another level this season.

If you look at last summer, we signed Wijnaldum for £25m odd and Chelsea signed Kante for £30m odd. Now I'm not saying either were better or worse than Pogba as all that will cause is pages of debate and obviously they're not identical players but they are all central midfielders and I don't think even the biggest Utd fan would argue that Pogba performed 3 x better than either Wijnaldum or Kante did last year.
Kante isn't remotely the same kind of player as Pogba so pointless mentioning him as an alternative really (also he only wanted to move to one club which immediately lowers his value). If we signed Kante as a creative midfielder I don't think we would have done too well. Wijnaldum I haven't seen too much of really.

Pogba is a very complete player, if he can add a few more goals he can easily be the best central midfielder in the league. You spot people who think he's trash because they don't actually watch him play and just look at stats/read tweets..

I acknowledged that they're different types of cm's and as you're not going to have transfers of near identical players every summer it's hard to find 100% accurate comparisons. The point was that Liverpool and Chelsea signed two very different central midfielders that performed, at the very least, at a comparable level to Pogba. Pogba being a slightly different kind of CM to Wijnaldum (ultimately their roles in their sides are very similar) isn't a justification for Pogba costing 3-4 times as much.

You mention Pogba being a complete player but I'd change that to say he has the potential to be a complete midfielder. At the moment he's very athletic and good on the ball - the defensive side of his game is pretty non existent and from an attacking point of view he doesn't score or assist consistently enough. You say if you signed Kante has a creative player you wouldn't have done well - if you signed Pogba simply as a creative player then you've not too well either.

As I said, this is a forum so we only deal with extremes. He's either amazing or **** and that's the consequence of being signed for a world record fee - people expect him to perform like one of the best players in the world every week and if he doesn't, he's rubbish.
Frank if you're basing your point about amortisation on my post the other day then to be clear, I was asking the question rather than stating anything. I honestly haven't a clue whether the fee can or will be amortised.
DMs never go for anywhere near the amount that creative mids go for and Kante was at a small club moving to a big club. Wijnaldum was nowhere near as good as pogba last season and Pogba was constrained by his position and the players around him. Anyone who watched Pogba a lot last season will know he was very good. He wasn't 90m good but he was very good. There seems to be the myth that he was average to poor last year which is simply not true.

His position for most of last season meant that he wasn't able to score many. If you consider the number of times he was directly involved in a goal though he would have much better stats. He might play the ball out prior to the assisting players final contribution. Pogba was stuck in a bit of a no mans land. Not being able to go forward enough to contribute as much as he could but also not being a DM either. I think this season will be the litmus test.

Are we using this summers transfer fees when looking at Kante's fee? How many central midfielders prior to Kante's transfer cost more than £30m? I can't imagine there were too many. It's only in relation to Pogba's fee and how well Kante done that it appears cheap. And come off it, Wijnaldum was no where near as good as Pogba? I don't want to get into a debate over this but it's perfectly reasonable to say they played at comparable levels.

And just for clarity, I'm not saying he was average. He had a decent season but as you say, not a £90m season.

Not sure I agree with the point you make about him being restricted though. He didn't have the freedom of an out and out attacking midfielder (Ali for example) but he was far from restricted - you only have to look at the amount of shots he took to see that he was getting forward a fair bit. You say he was neither an attacking mid nor a defensive mid last season but what will he be next season? Genuine question btw and I'm interested to see. Signing Pogba as an out and out attacking midfielder seems a little odd to me - he's not done anything to suggest he is or could be an elite attacking midfielder. He's an all action, box to box player. I've touched on it before but if Utd go with a midfield 3 of Matic, Herrera and Pogba next season then there's an even greater goal burden on their front 3 because I can't see Pogba scoring the 20 odd goals that Dele Ali scored last season.
One thing is that PSG wouldn't have to give him all the money to pay the clause now... they could give it to him over whatever period they want. They could give him enough now to afford the clause - Neymar and his father probably have a sizeable proportion of the 200m, if not all of it, so PSG wouldn't need to give them all of it.
Even if they did have the money, I'm not convinced they'd be happy to do that. Anyway, the theory doing the rounds is that the money for the buyout clause might not be coming from PSG but from some kind of commercial agreement between Neymar and Qatar. If true it would make things even more expensive because of the tax implications (do PSG/Qatar care?) but it completely bypasses FFP.
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