Summer Transfer Window 2020/21 - Rumours & Signings *please quote sources*

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17 Jul 2010
I've not seen anything yet which makes me believe that Thiago is a given now. I do however think that Gini will stay.

Current talk is that Liverpool are refusing to meet Bayern's valuation knowing that 3 months after the transfer window closes he'll be free to sign for another club for next season. A unique to this season situation. He'll then be 30 though and will any team want to sign him on a huge contract for 3 or 4 years? Most players start to decline around 33, although there are exceptions like Zlatan and Ronaldo.
Man of Honour
17 Aug 2007
Current talk is that Liverpool are refusing to meet Bayern's valuation knowing that 3 months after the transfer window closes he'll be free to sign for another club for next season. A unique to this season situation. He'll then be 30 though and will any team want to sign him on a huge contract for 3 or 4 years? Most players start to decline around 33, although there are exceptions like Zlatan and Ronaldo.

Must be tempting to wait, when you think you could get him for free in 3 months time.
9 Jun 2004
Must be tempting to wait, when you think you could get him for free in 3 months time.
You can only sign a pre-contract agreement with him in 3 months, we'll have to wait until next summer to actually sign him.

As I mentioned earlier, everything is moving slowly right now but the closer we get to deadline day the more deals will start to happen. That's always been the case and even more so this season with clubs being cautious. Bayern are currently holding out for their price and we're either hoping to get them to reduce it or simply waiting to move 1 or 2 on before paying it. Ultimately it appears clear that he's agreed to join us and Bayern don't want to lose him on a free so something will give eventually.
9 Jun 2004
It's possible but I'm not sure a January deal happens - it'll either be now or he'll leave in the summer for free. Come January I think it's harder to find an agreement that works for everybody - Bayern will still want something meaningful to compensate for the disruption of losing him midway through the season but (unless desperate) I'm not sure a buyer will be able to justify paying a significant fee for somebody they can sign for nothing in a few months time.



22 Aug 2008
Tunbridge Wells
Now all the Dortmund journalists are saying the deal is off and won't happen...

It was never on. Paying £100m+ for a player in the current economic climate is just stupid. Its pretty ****** that Arsenal have sacked 55 staff just as they are splashing out on players. I would hate to think that the club I support is making any cutbacks to the low paid staff whilst paying millions for new players. Scummy AF.
30 Mar 2010
It was never on. Paying £100m+ for a player in the current economic climate is just stupid. Its pretty ****** that Arsenal have sacked 55 staff just as they are splashing out on players. I would hate to think that the club I support is making any cutbacks to the low paid staff whilst paying millions for new players. Scummy AF.

Splashing out? They haven't gone on a Chelsea, or Man City like spree. They've bought one player, got a couple frees and a loan.



22 Aug 2008
Tunbridge Wells
Splashing out? They haven't gone on a Chelsea, or Man City like spree. They've bought one player, got a couple frees and a loan.

So just £25m on a new player and over £200k per week on Willians wages. Couldn't keep those staff on though with their massive salaries. Maybe each of those staff members was earning over £200k year and aren't worth as much one year of Willians salary.

I honestly don't care if Chelsea or City spend £500m this year if they are still paying their staff and taking some vague responsibility for the continued employment of the people that operate the club. All the top football clubs are massively rich and sacking your low paid, non playing staff in the current economic climate is worse than scummy. Its purely profit.

To put it in perspective. If each of those staff members was earning £50k year (which is probably more like double what the average salary is) then you are saving £2.75m a year. Thats the salary of a non first XI player. Thats 1/4 of Willians salary.
9 Jun 2004
It's really not straight forward @fez. Yes, it doesn't look great to lay staff off and then give Willian a £10m per year contract however the business side of Arsenal relies on the team. The less successful the team is, the less money the club makes and that in turn increases the likelihood of more job losses.

Arsenal were very close from missing out on European football altogether this season. It might only be the Europa League but it's still going to be worth circa £30m to them, it will also impact their commercial revenue and their ability to attract new commercial partners and of course matchday revenue for another 3-7 games. All-in you're probably looking at close to £50m. If Arsenal lose that £50m, how many more jobs would they have to cut next summer? Even ignoring the financial reasons, they'll be playing less games so all the hundreds (if not thousands) of part-time matchday staff will see their work cut be 25%.
30 Mar 2010
So just £25m on a new player and over £200k per week on Willians wages. Couldn't keep those staff on though with their massive salaries. Maybe each of those staff members was earning over £200k year and aren't worth as much one year of Willians salary.

I honestly don't care if Chelsea or City spend £500m this year if they are still paying their staff and taking some vague responsibility for the continued employment of the people that operate the club. All the top football clubs are massively rich and sacking your low paid, non playing staff in the current economic climate is worse than scummy. Its purely profit.

To put it in perspective. If each of those staff members was earning £50k year (which is probably more like double what the average salary is) then you are saving £2.75m a year. Thats the salary of a non first XI player. Thats 1/4 of Willians salary.

You have far too much time on your hands, to be writing all that on a club you don't support.

It's a football club, it exists to play football matches. If it decides they need to lay off a few staff members they are entitled to do that.



22 Aug 2008
Tunbridge Wells
It's really not straight forward @fez. Yes, it doesn't look great to lay staff off and then give Willian a £10m per year contract however the business side of Arsenal relies on the team. The less successful the team is, the less money the club makes and that in turn increases the likelihood of more job losses.

My point was more that the salaries of those staff members are a drop in the ocean for a club of Arsenals size. They didn't have to get rid of those staff. If £1-2m causes Arsenal problems then they are not going to be around much longer. It won't and they are simply being ruthless.

You have far too much time on your hands, to be writing all that on a club you don't support.

It's a football club, it exists to play football matches. If it decides they need to lay off a few staff members they are entitled to do that.

What a strange reasoning. They can do whatever they want and people can judge them for their actions. I assume you support Arsenal (maybe not, who knows) and I would wager that if they didn't sign anyone this summer you would be complaining. Why though? The club are free to do as they want so why would you complain?

Its a very simple opinion. Massively rich company sacking people to save chump change when the economy is tough for people looking for jobs is ******.
18 Oct 2002
All over the world...
Oh ffs have you considered that maybe those staff that were let go, their positions in the arsenal football club were no longer needed??
I’ve yet to see any of those ex staff members kick up a stink on social media so they may have been happy to go onto other things and perhaps got a nice leaving bonus.
Of course it’s never a good thing when you have to lay off staff. I’ve had to do it myself in the past and it’s never a nice thing but the board at Arsenal made the decision knowing that if they didn’t then they won’t be able to buy players in the future etc.
I mean no one really knows the real story, all we got is tidbits of info.
9 Jun 2004
My point was more that the salaries of those staff members are a drop in the ocean for a club of Arsenals size. They didn't have to get rid of those staff. If £1-2m causes Arsenal problems then they are not going to be around much longer. It won't and they are simply being ruthless.
They're acting like pretty much any other business. As revenue drops they'll look to cut back on expenses wherever they can. Do you think there's any PL club continuing to pay all their temp & part-time match day staff at the start of this season while games are still behind closed doors? I highly doubt it and it would only cost them a fraction of a high earning players wages.

Arsenal not investing in the side will only result in their business being further damaged, which will only result in more jobs being lost.
30 Mar 2010
Don't know the exact numbers but they went from under a hundred staff members to over a thousand when they moved into the Emirates. Then with no champions League for so long, I think it's totally acceptable to lay off a few. I'm sure if they're talented people they will find work elsewhere. Not like they fired 55 tea ladies.
17 Jun 2010
Looks like Emi Martinez is being sold. A few months ago nobody would have batted an eye, but he’s done very well and certainly seems a bit more assured with crosses and his feet than Leno, although equally the latter’s saves kept results from being as bad as they probably should have been under Emery and he didn’t have the luxury of an organised defence in front of him.

He’s not that young, cost the club nothing and so if they can get 15-20m for him, then that’s good business despite it leaving a bit of a sour taste given how he waited years to get an opportunity then took it with both hands. Typical Arsenal really, wait ages for a decent keeper then you get two, and being hard up means you should look to buy low/sell high where you can.

Also currently got 8 central defenders I think, so need to shuffle a few of them out the door.
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