Summer Transfer Window 2020/21 - Rumours & Signings *please quote sources*

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9 Jun 2004
In a world where Djimi Traore can win the Champions League, you just never know :D

I'm not ready yet to categorically state that Chelsea will 100% not win the league. With almost any top4 team theres always a danger of jumping from "unlikely" to a nailed on absolute wont. All we can do is wait and see, I think this season is going to be a quite unique season because I dont think we're going to see any match in the whole season that has crowds and I truly do think thats going to make quite the impact. We've not really seen the impact yet because the season was effectively done with crowds last season before crowds were removed. We'll see what happens but I wouldnt be surprised if we see some quite unusual league positions by the end of this season.
There's a difference between winning a cup competition and winning a League. They finished 33 points behind us last season and while they've signed some very good players, that will help them close that gap I'm struggling to see how they can possibly win the League, without a massive drop off from us and City having another poor season.

Havertz and Werner are very good players and would have been great additions to our squad but they're not starting for us. Even if you want to be generous and say Chelsea have an attack comparable to ours now, look at the rest of their side and compare it to ours. Their defence is average and their keeper is dog****. Then look at Lampard. For all the Lampard love-in, Chelsea picked up 6 less points and 1 less trophy last season. Yes they lost Hazard but despite their transfer ban they still replaced him with Pulisic, Mount, Abraham, Tomori etc. And 12 months earlier he failed to get promoted with Derby despite having one of, if not the biggest budgets in the Championship too.

Chelsea and Utd should be closer this season but the only sides that can pick up 90+ points will be City and Liverpool and I'd be shocked if neither does, making it possible for anybody else to be in the title race.
Man of Honour
17 Aug 2007
I could see it happening, purely on the basis that sometimes the unexpected happens in football and I couldnt sit here and categorically state that there is 0% chance that Chelsea will win the league this year. Even a 1% chance means it could happen, I try not to deal in absolutes, especially when it comes to what I think will be a very unusual season. All we can do is wait and see and one of us will be able to say to the other I told you so, at the end of the season :)
9 Jun 2004
If we're being literal then yes, they have a chance but so do Burnley in that case. I'm not going to be putting any money on Burnley winning the League though.
22 Oct 2002
Boston, Lincolnshire
I will be majorly impressed if Liverpool manage another 90+ season without bringing players in. I also think Pep will implode this season.

I also do not understand the Chelsea hype simply because they have bought a lot of players. They will need to gel and get a system going. They also arguably lost their best player of last season in Willian. As already mentioned Frank Lampard is suspect although he seems to be like teflon to the press and can do no wrong.

All their bets are on Werner and Pulisic has already shown he is made of glass. They don't have a lot of depth up top.
Man of Honour
17 Aug 2007
If we're being literal then yes, they have a chance but so do Burnley in that case. I'm not going to be putting any money on Burnley winning the League though.

Cant say I blame you, I wouldnt put money on Burnley winning the league either, because I think the chances of that happening are extremely minimal, but I think the chances of Chelsea winning the league are good enough to have a punt on for good odds :) , its all about the degree of chance
Man of Honour
17 Aug 2007
I will be majorly impressed if Liverpool manage another 90+ season without bringing players in. I also think Pep will implode this season.

I dont think that either Liverpool or Man City will get 90+ points this season. I think the top team this season will end in the high 80s, something around the 87, 88 pt mark.
5 Dec 2008
Id be very surprised if we can do 90+ 3rd year in a row, we havent refreshed the team so to speak, which i know we all have different views on but i dont think this summer its wise to to refresh it abit, As it stands Salah,Mane,Firmino wont really be worried about losing spot to any one else in our squad.

Minamino has look the best in pre-season though so am chuffed for him
5 Dec 2008
Probably City's last 3 seasons.

Like the last 3 seasons?

We'll sign Thiago + 1 more before the window is closed anyway.
Exactly at some stage it's not gonna work to expect all three to keep the consistent until they get to mid 30s is massive ask, also eventually pressure of it will get to one of them.

It be unrealistic to expect that not to happen
9 Jun 2004
Mid 30s? Mark how old do you think our front 3 are? They're all 28, right in their peak.

Yes, it would be great to have a 4th top class forward that can cover the front 3 and in the long term look to take over from one of them but Klopp has repeated chose not to sign another big name forward and explained his reasons why and without the AFCON, those reasons are still there.
21 Nov 2005
We're not a club that'll spend a massive amount of money unless the right player comes along and can immediately improve a position.

We're also not a club that can keep a lot of high earning players on the books like Chelsea and City can so if we don't sign anyone else and we're trailing them by Christmas, I'm sure Klopp will look at improvements in January or next summer.

We've overachieved compared to our rivals in the last two years and we simply can't compete if others want to keep spending 100's of millions each season.
Man of Honour
17 Aug 2007
Probably City's last 3 seasons.

Like the last 3 seasons?

We'll sign Thiago + 1 more before the window is closed anyway.

Where do you think that 1 more will be? Do you think it will be another defender or someone up front? or a cheap backup option somewhere?

I've got a really sneaky feeling that the Thiago transfer isnt going to happen. Cant quite put my finger on it, but I have a suspicion that we'll get an alternative before the 25 remaining days of the window are up. Something about the Thiago thing is just tickling my spider senses
5 Dec 2008
Mid 30s? Mark how old do you think our front 3 are? They're all 28, right in their peak.

Yes, it would be great to have a 4th top class forward that can cover the front 3 and in the long term look to take over from one of them but Klopp has repeated chose not to sign another big name forward and explained his reasons why and without the AFCON, those reasons are still there.
I know there under 30 but have what been together 3 years now as it is, if you think they will be as good as they are now say by 32 at latest, that's a push if there all even still with us.

(Mid was wrong term)

We are at the top and to maintain I do think some degree of spending is required.

The games will come along allot quicker this season too. I don't think getting least one extra top quality attacker in is a bad idea.

We should have the money to do it as well imo covid or no covid
9 Jun 2004
Where do you think that 1 more will be? Do you think it will be another defender or someone up front? or a cheap backup option somewhere?

I've got a really sneaky feeling that the Thiago transfer isnt going to happen. Cant quite put my finger on it, but I have a suspicion that we'll get an alternative before the 25 remaining days of the window are up. Something about the Thiago thing is just tickling my spider senses
The + 1 was just a best guess, I could easily see us signing 2 more but also maybe not signing another. How many and which positions we sign are likely to depend on who and how many leave. As I touched on above, Klopp doesn't want a massive squad and we're not going to sign another forward unless Shaqiri and or Origi leave. I think Thiago is almost a given now, unless something drastic happens, and whether we sign a CB probably rests on Wijnaldum - if he stays then I think Klopp will use Fabinho and Hendo as emergency CB's if needed.

Everything is moving slowly at the moment because very few clubs are doing business, towards the end of the window things will pick up and there will be a domino effect of deals being done.
I know there under 30 but have what been together 3 years now as it is, if you think they will be as good as they are now say by 32 at latest, that's a push if there all even still with us....
I don't think in 4 years time they'll be as good as they are now but I'm not sure what's the relevance of that to next season :confused: The club will know that over the next 2-3 seasons they'll need to start planning beyond the current 3 but without the AFCON there's not an immediate need to do that, especially not in a period where club will lose £100m+.

Your original point made very little sense either. You were suggesting that the lack of competition will mean they're not worried about losing their place - that applied last season and the two before too.
1 Jul 2007
I don't think we (Liverpool) are going to make any noteworthy signings, and I think we'll be drastically off the pace next year. I expect all of City, Arsenal, Chelsea and United to have better seasons than they had last year, and I think we'll be worse. My money's on a 3rd place finish. If we get Thiago and another attacking player my opinion might change, and I hope to be proven wrong, but at the moment I'm worried.
5 Dec 2008
The + 1 was just a best guess, I could easily see us signing 2 more but also maybe not signing another. How many and which positions we sign are likely to depend on who and how many leave. As I touched on above, Klopp doesn't want a massive squad and we're not going to sign another forward unless Shaqiri and or Origi don't leave. I think Thiago is almost a given now, unless something drastic happens, and whether we sign a CB probably rests on Wijnaldum - if he stays then I think Klopp will use Fabinho and Hendo as emergency CB's if needed.

Everything is moving slowly at the moment because very few clubs are doing business, towards the end of the window things will pick up and there will be a domino effect of deals being done.

I don't think in 4 years time they'll be as good as they are now but I'm not sure what's the relevance of that to next season :confused: The club will know that over the next 2-3 seasons they'll need to start planning beyond the current 3 but without the AFCON there's not an immediate need to do that, especially not in a period where club will lose £100m+.

Your original point made very little sense either. You were suggesting that the lack of competition will mean they're not worried about losing their place - that applied last season and the two before too.
I admit I'm not explaining myself well (have allot on my mind apologies)

Lack of competition within the team for the spaces will get to them at some stage, weather that's this season or season after etc.

We have got Nike on board now which is a much bigger brand so I'd expect increase in revenue there, just won multiple cups, there has to be funds to improve.

Also at some stage we could vo stagnant and fresh faces would lessen that risk to some extent. As much as our front three are world class beyond that we have origi who is crap, Brewster can't judge but looks like we want rid based on rumours.

So if they both go, we have a minamino who can go into any of front three which is good for a multi purpose fix and I think he will become world class too but I don't think it's enough.

Lovren went (not a big deal granted) as did Lallana that's some hefty wages off the books.

I just feel as a club we are not taking advantage of our position to strengthen and stay at the top
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9 Jun 2004
There's still a month of the transfer window to go Mark - we're going to end up signing 1 or 2 players, I'm fairly sure of that.

The current situation is very complicated for any club that is run properly - clubs don't know if or when supporters will be allowed back inside stadiums and we've just seen the PL cancel one of it's biggest overseas TV deals after the broadcaster refused to pay the last installment of last seasons contract. Who knows how many other overseas broadcasters are looking to get out of their TV deal once they start feeling the effects of covid.

Clubs have to balance what they need and the risks of spending right now but unlike some clubs, we're not in a position where we desperately need to improve the side. It's natural that we're going to take a cautious approach.
Man of Honour
17 Aug 2007
The + 1 was just a best guess, I could easily see us signing 2 more but also maybe not signing another. How many and which positions we sign are likely to depend on who and how many leave. As I touched on above, Klopp doesn't want a massive squad and we're not going to sign another forward unless Shaqiri and or Origi don't leave. I think Thiago is almost a given now, unless something drastic happens, and whether we sign a CB probably rests on Wijnaldum - if he stays then I think Klopp will use Fabinho and Hendo as emergency CB's if needed.

I've not seen anything yet which makes me believe that Thiago is a given now. I do however think that Gini will stay.
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