Supermoon Lunar Eclipse Tonight - 01:12 BST until 06:22 BST

Woke up needing a pee in prime time.

Not going to lie, iv'e seen funkier looking moons. Mine wasn't so super looking, though basked in dark orange.

Always amazes me though looking at such an event, my thinking behind it, just how small and insignificant we are in the grand scheme of things.
I've seen the moon looking so big that my jaw dropped in amazement. That moon looked normal. What's everyone banging on about?
Quick and dirty timelapse of the lunar eclipse - filmed @ my Dads as I don't have any south facing windows.

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Took my 'lunch' break at 2:30am to see this and it was amazing to watch, especially after the disappointing solar eclipse we had earlier this year. Shame i left the dslr at home :(
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