Even though it's not me with the problem, that's useful information Sonny - thanks
lactose is a funny one, as some people's bodies start producing less of the enzyme needed, the older they get.
so you could have been able to eat/drink lactose containing products all day long when you were a kid, but as you get older, your body may stop producing as much of the enzyme, then you suddenly run into problems.
everyone has a limit of how much lactose their body can take within a certain time period, some peoples limits are high, so they never run into problems because they never hit it or go above it. others who have a low limit, will go over it regularly causing them problems.
the biggest problem is gas from both ends. either burping a lot, or farting a lot. in other cases some people even just breathe it out, so they dont know if they have a problem or not.
it may or may not cause the runs too, but that is dependent on the person, how much they have eaten, and what else they have eaten, etc.
what tends to set me off is cheese, im fine with all other lactose products.