Supplements the debate/discussion thread

well I take the 10 "00" caps of BCAAs in one go, it ain't that bad as long as you have water. :D

If anyone tried taking Animal Pack, some of the caps are friggin huge, and apparently for me it doesn't do much either. Just peeing in a bright yellow colour lol.
I'm not sure if too many gelatine capsules can be bad for you?

Currently taking EAA's & Leucine that I capped and I have to chug about 30 down a day!
:-/ are you sure you really need to take that much? Sounds like an awful lot.

I get approximatley 0.60grams of EAA's/Leucine in each cap. So 9-10 grams of EAA's worked out at around 15 caps. Then just over 2.5 grams of Leucine is 5 caps, 3 times a day.

(weights might be different from memory, at the time of capping I worked it out correctly)

I capped the EAA's due to the taste, I can manage to drink them but it's much easier to just pop the caps. Leucine I didn't try to taste though again much easier to pop 5 caps upon waking with my fish oils, after my workout and before bed again with fish oils.

I could get almost 0.90grams in but it's a much much longer capping process and it takes bloody ages as it is!
So supplements to prevent muscle tissue breakdown during training. I gathered BCAA is one but anyone have any other recommendations beside protein etc?

Currently doing 3 x HITT per week and steady state cardio during the week and on the Stronglift 5x5 program.
EAA's perhaps?

I'm not sure on wether they're as good as when on a cut as BCAA's though the do contain the BCAA's.

I'm currently 'trimming'. So eating a bit less (off my bulk diet now) and moving more with cardio every 3 days, steady state or H.I.I.T. I don't seem to be loosing any mass and my strength is on the up and bf is slowly coming down.

However this could be due to the fact im still over my calorie allowance as I haven't actually worked it out.

One thing to note is that BCAA's apparently work best in a 4:1:1 ratio. So buying some extra Leucine and adding half as much in as the total serving of BCAA will achieve this.
Not heard of EAA's?

Was thinking of ordering BCAA+ and some Glucosamine HCL tonight from MP anything else my basket should contain?
Anything that might make the BCAA's taste a little better, most likely the biggest challenge you'll ever encounter! :D
Anything that might make the BCAA's taste a little better, most likely the biggest challenge you'll ever encounter! :D

I've not tried BCAA's though EAA's are supposed to be top notch for nasty taste and I can confirm this. Cranberry concentrate and swallowing with an open mouth is the least unpleasant way to get them down I found.

Don't buy stuff for the sake of it, at least have a read around :)

I popped some creatine monohydrate in my basket as I'm contemplating using it for my next bulk or GVT. £13 for the kilo can't really go wrong even if I am unconvinced by reviews and studies etc.

I'm currently taking around 2-2.5grams of Leucine upon waking, sleeping and PWO. Increases protein synthesis and can help decrease catabolism. Cheap too at around £22 for 4-5 months worth.
So scary. I have be tempted and scared at the same time to take a diet supplement called Powerthin. You take it five days on and two days off and it has about 10% ephedra. I disn't think it could hurt, but after reading this review, I am scared.
Weird second post, expecially with some cigar site spammed as a sig :\ If it is a real post then listen to the above and just do it properly. If you ever get to the stage where you want to use ephedrine properly it won't be in some bs brand name supplement.
Bit of an update after a month on VMax Pump.

Still working well, not as much buzz, but my workouts are consistent and there's no fall off like there was with N.O. X-Plode (not a full on crash, but just knew it had worn out).

Downside, if it is one, is the pump isn't as good as with N.O. X-Plode at all. I do get a pump, its great, but not that 'skin tearing' feeling when doing bicep curls like with N.O. X-Plode. Also VMax doesn't really make you feel like you can lift more than you can, for me thats good and bad!

Overall I'm still pleased, as after a months use I havent upped dosage and still happy with the results. This is value for money in my book! Though I can see myself buying N.O. X-Plode again, still to try SP250.

Hows the Superpump Benny? Your bicep RIPPED off yet? haha!
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Can we keep the slightly tenuous legality back on track of legality please. I have deleted some posts, not because they were particularly bad but it's verging on leading to naughty things. Any issues drop me a mail and I'll explain. :)
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