Although we both know just because it's more expensive doesn't necesarily mean it's more expensive.
I think that only applies for phd products
lol my vmax still has, annoyingly, a good weeks worth left, when will it end!!. Phd definitely have proved they have some good value for money, with good quality, I'd recommend them 1st off to anyone now I think.
The Syntha-6 being the most expensive of the lot, £27 for 1.3kg, and it's only 50% protein. The ON being I think 79%. But.... as I said, they seem to garner ridiculously good customer reviews, and lots of them, so wanted to check them out. I know it sounds silly, but it's more convenient for me to have that smaller 1kg pot for the 'bedtime' supp, as I keep it in my room, so I always have it, lasts me a month. I think i'll try the 6-hour phd next, pour half into this container and chuck the rest into a cupboard.
As we know, there's always loads of people who like every single protein supplement (with the exception of holland and barratt 200g for 8g of protein
) so it's a hard thing to judge, I wouldnt say the syntha 6 is worth a near enough 50% price hike over other protein, but it is damn nice!