Supplements the debate/discussion thread

I have a small problem, I have just the one small scoop that states "5ml" on it.

ml is a measure of volume, mg is a measure of mass. So I actually need to know how many ml of OAKG to consume a day, not mg (nothingeversimple).

The BCAA pills are the protein works ones. The ZMA is in pill form.

Ginger teddies to follow.
I'm pretty certain you'll be very welcome. Being a flaming, raging, parading phaggot is a prerequisite to gaining membership.
So far this year I am halfway to my goal which is lose 6 stone. (currently 17stone)

After reading this thread for months I have quite the collection of myprotein supps but could anyone please check I'm taking the right dosages and at the correct times?

40g whey + 10g glutamine + 3g d aspartic shake (when swimming else it's a 38g bowl of oats with 20g whey)
5ml liquid fish oil
2x CLA capsule
1x mega green tea extract capsule
1x alpha men multivit

1x CLA capsule

Afternoon Inbetween meals
1xBCAA (once a day)

Days when working out
40g whey + 10g glutamine + 5g dextrose post workout shake

1x Zinc Magnesium capsule

This in combination with
3x 60 lap swims before work each week
2x 2hour weights/cardio sessions at work each week
eating 2000 clean calories per day
What are people opinions on Superfood XS?

Worth adding in to a diet that already has a decent amount of fruit/veg? Looks like good stuff.

I haven't seen this before. Can't hurt to take it if you have some spare funds.

Personally I'd just eat some more fruit.
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Right dudes my protein come today.

I was going to take it with water but because i havent had enough calorie intake today would you use milk or is it too much fat?
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