So for cooking which is my main use of coconut oil ktc is the better option.
For eating the more expensive options are fine due to them tasting better.
Although people on here usually make fun of people who spend more on supplements that taste better than non branded stuff like my protein etc. But it's fine for coconut oil at up to 5 times the price of the cheaper stuff.
e.g. someone posts on here that they buy brand x of protein powder because it tastes amazing.
they usually get lynched for paying 25-100% more but in this example it's fine to pay 500% more for taste.
Hope you can see how that could come across?
No, people get slated for buying expensive protein usually because it contains a lot of extra crap in it i.e extra sugars etc when it's not needed, hence the recommendation when buying whey is to use My Protein / TPW or similar 1) because it tastes fine 2) because there isn't any added extra **** in it 3) because generally it's a decent price.
Coconut oil is a tad different, people recommend the more expensive brands due to the taste and the more things you can do with it without gagging on your coffee for instance. Cheaper brands (as you say) are fine for things like cooking with if you can't taste the mankyness but still get the benefit.
I'm unaware if there is a MAJOR difference between the two coconut brands discussed here or not though.