Supplements the debate/discussion thread

Since sticking chia, pumpkin seeds and quinoa in to my whey my DOM's have reduced greatly.

On the surface, this points to insufficient nutrition pre-chia/pumpkin/quinoa, as there's nothing particularly unusual/special about any of those ingredients. They are sources of fat, protein and dietary fibre just like other 'widely known/available' varieties such as sesame seeds. They aren't particularly high in anti-oxidants like cherries, blueberries, etc...

Still, I haven't put sesame seeds in my food for a while, so I might take this up again. Thanks for the prompt! :)
On the surface, this points to insufficient nutrition pre-chia/pumpkin/quinoa, as there's nothing particularly unusual/special about any of those ingredients. They are sources of fat, protein and dietary fibre just like other 'widely known/available' varieties such as sesame seeds. They aren't particularly high in anti-oxidants like cherries, blueberries, etc...

Still, I haven't put sesame seeds in my food for a while, so I might take this up again. Thanks for the prompt! :)

Well my diet is pretty clean with cutting out anything processed and I only eat whole grain/ products etc. I'm diabetic so I can't go slinging fruit down my neck as often as others can but I do eat fruit and have frozen bananas when my sweet tooth rises. Pumpkin seeds have anti-inflammatory properties, chia seeds are rich in antioxidants and quinoa I have for slow energy as oats bloat me something rotten. These three contain other properties that suit my goals as well.
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Well I'm diabetic so I can't go slinging fruit down my neck as often as others can. Pumpkin seeds have anti-inflammatory*properties, chia seeds are rich in antioxidants and quinoa I have for slow energy as oats bloat me something rotten. These three contain other properties that suit my goals as well.

Yeeeesh. Good work for keeping at it, then. :)

Regarding the fruit bit, I see this is what would make chia interesting. However, from an anti-oxidant perspective, there are other potential sources that are probably cheaper... but I guess if it suits your goals (and particular needs) then it's all good.

Whatever works, at the end of the day. :)
If you hadn't put pumpkin seeds down, I'd have suggested those. :D

Sesame, sunflower seeds, walnuts, cocoa powder are all examples, but most nuts have a high anti-oxidant content anyway.

Stuff like chia, quinoa, hemp, etc. has become popular recently - IMHO - because health food people have found that they can tag it as a 'superfood' and the wealthier classes spend their money on it. They aren't wrong, but they're taking the urine by charging huge amounts for what isn't particularly exceptional by comparison to existing, cheaper alternatives that are not badged as such.
Anyone have a gonutrition referral code?

Not sure if it will work as I'm using a code already but will give it a go for someone.
Written by our very own Steedie!

'My bowel movements are an all too familiar subject on this site, but that’s not because I like telling you about them, but because some pre-workouts are notorious for committing quite inhumane acts of torture upon ones anus. And let me tell you, this is one of them. Within 10 minutes of drinking this, my stomach felt quite uneasy, like “Is he squatting on the smith machine?” uneasy, and shortly after, Cardinals in the Vatican must have been screaming of an unannounced exorcism occurring in my flat. It felt like many a demon was expelled during that unholy trip to the bathroom. It was horrible. And after I had emerged, it felt like more was to come.'

Brilliant. :)
Used Volt last night, only got a little focus in my workout. No pump and didn't last longer than an hour.

Spoke to their Customer Services who said since I was using Craze which was 'stronger' I have to up my dosage from 6 scoops to 8. Will try that tonight, doing chest and triceps hoping to get pumped!

EDIT: DS Frenzy is out although it's really expensive I wouldn't mind trying some first. Reviews suggest its same as Craze if not better.
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You're going to sturggle to find anything that feel close to the old Jack3d as the DMAA which is now banned is like rocket fuel.
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