Supplements the debate/discussion thread

Would it be a bad move to start taking creatine if I'm looking to lose weight..? or have I completely misunderstood what purpose it serves?

Keep seeing people mention creatine, and it's always the suggested "goes well with.." on most myprotein supps.

I was thinking of adding it to my whey order now but don't want to waste money if it's going to be of no use.

By losing weight do you mean fat?

If so then creatine done right could help :) just make sure you get your dosages and timings right or you'll pee it all out.
Do you compete in sports? Or am I missing something? :o

I compete in submission grappling and perhaps MMA if I get my act together ^^
I'll likely not be tested though...

I'm picky about things that go inside me though and until I've got some trustworthy research to go by I'll pass on the jack3d.
Pulse increases my focus and energy, haven't noticed any worrying change in HR.

I'd used 200mg caffeine tabs before to little effect but the pulse has a nice effect and has 110mg caffeine at max dosage.

With the sale on at £12 a pouch (up to 80 servings) it's a good time to grab it :)
Pulse increases my focus and energy, haven't noticed any worrying change in HR.

I'd used 200mg caffeine tabs before to little effect but the pulse has a nice effect and has 110mg caffeine at max dosage.

With the sale on at £12 a pouch (up to 80 servings) it's a good time to grab it :)

I think I shall give it a go.

Thanks for the heads up.
Aye, losing fat! :)

I was under the impression it's best taken 10 minutes before a workout, please correct me if I'm wrong.

I'd be unsure as it's been quite a while since I've used it!

I took mine with fruit juice pre workout (about 15-30mins before) and in my PWO shake.

I had 4g in each so 8g in total.

Hopefully someone more clued in on the matter can confirm or deny what I've posted. I'm off to google!

I think I shall give it a go.

Thanks for the heads up.

Nps :) hope it gives you the same effect it gives me!
I think I will go with MP's unflavoured range. Seems to be cheapest Protein I can get, that I know the taste of (no bad surprises).

You say that but my last bag of unflavoured tasted completely different to the previous one and was basically undrinkable without adding some milkshake powder or something. Put me right off
same here, i had some mp unflavored a couple year back and man was it sick. Not tried it again since so its probably changed now tbh
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