Yes on freezing map needs different approach.
Also the extra power is needed because you have to charge the rovers, and some extra solar panels dont cost that much...
I started a new one on your co-ordinates as my last colony fell apart!
I am taking it slowly initially I have just configured two concrete extractors, water vaporator, fuel refinery, 8 large solar panels and a battery (found some extra polymers which makes the battery doable, not really possible unless you find them on the surface). Interesting to note that you can simply disable extra solar panels and they don't need any maintenance at all. I re-enable extra ones to charge the battery or when I want to charge a vehicle.
I can also see a good strategy of having some solar panels on standby for cold snaps, just open them up to level out the power usage a bit and keep them closed at other times.
I have 610 metals from various ground source collections I've been doing with the rover, between maintenance on the fuel/concrete extractors. I've got 338 concrete which is plenty to get an initial base going.
24 Polymers - I think I found like 15-20 which is a game changer for battery storage.
9 Electronics - (only put up one sensor tower so far). These should see my drone hub maintained for a while once I build it.
11 Machine Parts - I am slowly running out of these, during my first cold wave I had to spend 3 of them to repair my concrete and fuel refineries.
It's Sol 32 and I have just sent a rocket back to earth ready to bring some stuff back. I have 1100M left, I probably need to spend about 800 to get pre-fab machine parts factory and polymer factory. Doesn't leave a lot of cash for other things really.
I am planning to build everything as quick as I can after the next cold wave, my logic being that I shouldn't see another for a while. As metals are good I will probably start by trying to mine rare metals to get some exports going. Making electronics seems too costly on initial manpower and itself takes Electronics to maintain, I figure I can export 30 rare metals and buy more than 30 Electronics in return, and it only requires a 4 man shift to do it.
I'd quite like to get an initial placement of two domes right next to eachother, and I will then try to use one subsurface heater to keep them both warm in the cold waves (I read that the range of the heater needs to reach the middle of the dome), in addition I would probably place the water tanks and moxie within the range of the subsurface heater. These two domes would be focused on mining metals, rare metals, farming (one farm per dome) and polymers as I can overlap the location of that between both domes. I haven't actually unlocked the subsurface tech yet though.
my starting tech focus on this start is normally to try and get:
1. The extra research per sol from sponsor and/or the explorer.
2. Cheaper re-fuel for the rocket.
3. Mars Crowdfunding for the cash needed to get the materials to get off the ground.
4. Farms. Farms are amazing, they should really be a default tech I think. I also think the subsurface heater should be a default tech as well as you can't really play a cold wave map without one for long.
Breakthrough techs are seriously good at times, my second discovered one makes my power cables free and they never break. I am kind of reluctant to research it though right now as it's almost too good and would not be a reliable strategy to involve.
My main constraint on when I build will probably be machine parts maintenance at this point, I will need to ship extras I think with my leftover cash to extend my initial build phase a bit.