Tabletop Warhammer?

Vassal40k League Season 1



  • A 1500 point army list must be submitted by the sign up date (to be determined). Once submitted, this army list cannot be changed until the end of the current season. (army lists must clearly state all wargear choices and points values)
  • All army lists must comply with the rules of the chosen codex. (usually 1 HQ and 2 Troops by default)
  • All army lists must be chosen from a 5th edition codex or earlier, 6th edition codex’s are not permitted. No Forge World special units permitted.
  • Remember only troops (with a couple of exceptions) can hold objectives, don't skimp on them.


  • All missions are determined by a standard mission type and deployment roll as described in the 5th edition rulebook.
  • Missions are to be scheduled by players at their convenience. It is best for both players to use a chat program such as Mumble while playing a game, while Vassal does have in game text chat it will likely make games much, much slower.
  • All games to be played on a 6ft by 4ft battlefield, terrain to be agreed by both players before start of battle.


  • Victory will be determined by the scenario rules, victories will earn 3 points, draws 1 point and losses 0 points.
  • In the event of two players being tied for points, the deciding factor will be as follows:

  1. Result between the two players
    [*]Number of victories

  • After the final game of the season has been played there will be a select number of points given for the below categories, each category will be voted for by all players, with one nomination allowed each. The player with the most nominations in each category will get 1 extra point (in the event of a draw the points are shared between the winners evenly):

  1. Best Army (This can be most powerful, most interesting army list or even most fluff accurate!)
  2. Best Commander (who impressed you the most with their battle tactics)
  3. Fair Play (Who was the most enjoyable opponent)

Please remember this is a friendly tournament, try not to make an exploiting spammy list (there are a few out there) and whether you win or lose, enjoy your games and respect your opponent :)

Current player list:

Gooner Leroy
Pudney (tbc)
drumunsta (tbc)

If anyone has any suggestions for changes to those rules or additional rules then it is very open to discussion :) As a preliminary date for army list submission, perhaps Thursday 14th Feb? That way anyone who wants a practice game this weekend can have one and first games can be played next weekend if people are free.
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Not sure what I want to use. I guess Marines would be a logical choice, since I'm working on an army now and could do to playtest the list I have in mind, but having played Eldar in 3rd and 4th, part of me really wants to give them another go... :(

I have a question regarding the latter army, however. Reading through my Codex, it looks like you should be able to add two of the same weapon to a War Walker, however BattleScribe doesn't allow for this. Am I reading the Codex wrong or is this an oversight in the program?
Yes they can (either it was changed for 6th or it's a mistake in the program)

Just make a note of it and amend the final HTML file with the correct points and description :)

Battlescribe isn't always perfect so double check against the codex to make sure your list is legal (Space Wolves for example it is easy to make your Wolf Guard illegal with no notification)
Well I have a 1.5k Chaos Marine and Tau army.

Even put together a cheeky Necron list though it will be between Chaos or Tau, decisions decisions!!!
I will be playing 1.5k of the emperors finest imperial guard.

I will get a list up in the next few days (probably start one at work tomorrow, if any one asks I will just yell "FOR THE EMPEROR!!!!")

EDIT: DAMN simon that's an awesome looking marine :D
Don't put it up yet! Literally leave it until the last minute, it's far better if it's a surprise as it encourages everyone to try and build an all round army list or risk coming up against something they can't take on.
What to paint after this hmmm

Anyone have any good champion model ideas

maybe this:

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I think I will put together a Dark Eldar list :) we haven't got a date just yet have we? are you putting together a leader board too? also I have put some maps up for you to look at or use on dropbox. I will be making a larger map tomorrow :)
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Provisional date of Thursday 14th unless anyone objects, that way it gives me some time to check the army lists are legal then people can play that weekend.

I'll keep a leaderboard running and people can email me results :)
OOOOOOOO I definitely need some practice games (having not played a game in around 10 years)

Are we announcing what Army we are playing or is that being kept a secret until last minute as well? Anyone fancy a game or 2 this Friday Night and Saturday Evening?

And Simon.... That SM is ACE........ Have a look at some of the new Chaos Fantasy models such as Throgg, Vilitch, the Curseling or the Mutalith Vortex Beast or even the new Dragon Ogres.. All look amazing although Throgg is my favourite.
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