Tabletop Warhammer?

Tbh Gorkamorka in particular would be quite easy to play using the standard module, models already available and it's all flat terrain.

Necromunda and Inquisitor would be trickier, would probably need to make custom maps (I might look into creating some, I wonder how hard it is?)
I was also thinking about doing a mini league. Say you make an army list (1k or 1.5k probably) that must be used for every battle (so rather than specializing for a specific enemy we have to design it to be adaptable) Would people be interested?

I'd be game for this :)

I really should play again instead of just paint but I've been out of the Imperial loop over 20yrs.

Get involved with us on vassal.
I was also thinking about doing a mini league. Say you make an army list (1k or 1.5k probably) that must be used for every battle (so rather than specializing for a specific enemy we have to design it to be adaptable) Would people be interested?

I would be good for that, is there a certain time you would be doing it? My time is limited since I have a 3month old girl lol but I try to fit it in when I can.
Yes it is, send me a trust email with your email address and I can invite you to the dropbox with all the details and files needed to install Vassal (along with a folder for uploading army lists :)
I would also be up for this :) Considering most people have other commitments or lack of time 1k would be the best size, 1.5k battles may take a little too long.
I'd be up for it, but I do need to brush up on the rules first. I haven't played a game since 4th Edition. :o

I do have the latest rulebook ordered (obviously not so helpful for this considering Vassal is still at 5th) but my order from Triple Helix still hasn't shipped. :(
JHeaton, trust me your email address :)

I'll sort out an overview this evening, would people be happy for it to continue in this thread or in a new one?
I am happy with this thread to be honest, I think we should have it re-named like :P

erm just a quick question regarding drob-box and vassal. Would it be good to make a folder for maps that we have made? I have 2 that I think are quite good and would like others to use them if they choose too
well I have been saving the game before I select the troops or armies so its just the map. Standard 6x4 so far but I will be looking at making some larger maps. The only thing Is that you will have to load the saved game I havent used drobbox until now so not sure if you get save the files or load them straight up from there?
Dropbox can be used two ways, either as an online storage space where you upload or download files or you can install it onto your PC then it will appear as a folder on your computer (so files will sync automatically to local storage and any files you edit will automatically sync to online)

Second way is best because I get a bit more storage space for referring people if they install :)

Stick the save game up and I'll have a look tonight
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ah right lol well I think Ive got it installed on my laptop - Its a windows 8 app so not sure ha-ha ill be in at 6pm and ill get it uploaded as soon as I get in for you to play around with
I am not sure if it uploaded correctly as I didnt have chance to check it but anyone who is interested I put the 6th Edition rulebook up as well :)
Thanks very much (i've been meaning to do the older ones for fluff and missions) but don't mention it on here as Overclockers frown on copyright infringement :p
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