Tabletop Warhammer?

Pick someone else who hasn't played much for your first game and hope you learn quicker :p

In all honesty as long as you make sure you have something that can kill armour, something that can kill horders, something that can fight in combat and enough troop choices for objective games then you should be able to adapt to most armies.
Imperial Guard, combat? what is this madness!

I love the Vendetta model so think I'm going to try a couple of those to see if they are worth buying for my real army or not. I was going to go for an armoured fists army but decided to put my faith in lasguns and lots of them... lol
BAH.... Just worked the Army out again and it comes to 1,501 points /cry

Time to work out where I can save points lol
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Shame I can't give you the three points that I'm under the limit. :p

Hmm, just looked at the list and realised I'm a little biased in one direction. Maybe I should change that...
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Would have to learn the secret behind consistently rolling double-ones though... :p

Argh. I don't want to drop this particular unit, but I don't think having only one shooty infantry block is going to do me any favours. :/
Think Clarty uploaded his over a week a go. I've got no issues uploading mine as #1 Its a friendly comp #2 I will lose #3 I'm rolling with units I like :)
Yep Clarty's is sitting in the Dropbox folder :)

I'll upload mine when I get home from work, yesterday was the first day in a week I didn't make changes so hopefully it's final :p

If you want to submit now then email it to me, I'll check them all and put them up at once, that way nobody gets an advantage (well except me, you'll just have to trust my word that I won't change mine!)
All right, mine is up. Didn't realise anyone else was taking the same army type though. :p

I want something to paint by,in the evening.

I used to have something similar to this. Did the job nicely enough. You can get some really nice energy-saving ones that will last quite a while, but if you plan on putting them in something like a desk lamp then they usually protrude beyond the end of the shade, which results in you catching your eyes on them more. Painting whilst dazed ain't easy. :p
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