Tabletop Warhammer?

1d4chan is blocked at work :( Not really up for reading much today though as I did a lovely 14 hr shift yesterday 7am-9pm then was up at 1am for a deployment then again at 5am to check everything and been dialled in ever since.. brain is turning to mush.... Although I have discovered I'm a member of the Miniwargaming vault so have downloaded around 19 gig of painting tutorials :)
Not good to read at work though, if you suddenly burst out laughing people tend to ask questions...

Plus large sections of it are definitely NSFW.

I've been making quite a few edits there lately; I created the Red Scorpions article but have mostly been working on pages related to the Dark Angels since they're my favourite chapter (in the process of building a small DA army at the moment). Working on an entry for the Unforgiven (term for the DA and successor chapters) since they don't have a page yet, hoping to have it up in the next couple of days.
1d4chan is blocked at work :( Not really up for reading much today though as I did a lovely 14 hr shift yesterday 7am-9pm then was up at 1am for a deployment then again at 5am to check everything and been dialled in ever since.. brain is turning to mush.... Although I have discovered I'm a member of the Miniwargaming vault so have downloaded around 19 gig of painting tutorials :)

Are they any good? :)
Thanks. :)

I may take a look. They do a free trial, which might be handy. If I find some stuff that helps then I may sign up for a while. :)
Unfortunately, due to lack of spare time at the moment due to work, I will not be able to take part in the league :( However, I should hopefully be available for the second 'season'.

Sorry for denying everyone an easy 3 points :p
Unfortunately, due to lack of spare time at the moment due to work, I will not be able to take part in the league :( However, I should hopefully be available for the second 'season'.

Sorry for denying everyone an easy 3 points :p

Ah, man, that's a shame. :(

I have another question about painting white for everyone. If using a white primer, how should I go about shading? Would it be easy enough to work back up to off-white from Badab Black and then just highlight the edges with pure white, or would the black wash cause problems getting the white to look nice afterwards? I'm looking to do either Storm Lords or Eagle Warriors, which means half of the miniature is going to end up being white.
I would shade grey (with a touch of blue) then do a black wash carefully applied to crevices then slowly work up to white on the highlights.

Sorry to hear you can't join Gooner, you'll be welcome in future seasons :)
Thanks. :)

I'm hoping I can get the backpacks on the first squad tonight so that I can get out and prime them tomorrow. Was going to do a late night and get both squads prepped but I feel like crap and unfortunately when cutting a few of the heads of the older squad from the sprues I managed to damage them a bit, so there are some holes that need filling. It seems there are pros and cons to both sets of models I bought: the earlier, late '90s set have much smaller mould lines to deal with and the plastic seems to be easier to work with. The newer ones have a nicer range of extras on the sprues and the layout is quite a bit better (both the arms and heads only attach at one point, rather than the two on the older sprues). Not that this is very relevant to anything. :p

Probably not going to happen. 11:20 and I've managed four. :/
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Oh POO.... Just realised I wasn't able to upload my Army yesterday due to my net going down at 1pm yesterday at home and won't be home until around 8pm tonight. Am I able to PM it to someone who can upload it for me then I'll sort it our properly over the weekend?

The army won't change just ill have more detail to write up.
Cool Ill try and get it written up during the day today and wing it over to you...If not then booo ill have to miss le tournament.
Cool Ill try and get it written up during the day today and wing it over to you...If not then booo ill have to miss le tournament.

I don't mind if it's a bit late, don't feel you have to miss out! I'll need to check them over so they won't be posted until late evening/tomorrow morning anyway.
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