Tabletop Warhammer?

I just started the hobby myself, well about year ago but i have just about done my first mini box-set of 4 models :D

Very crappy i know but i hope to do better on the next set of models :D
Excellent thread guys, some of those models are amazing pieces of art, couldn't keep a smile off my face! :)

I started playing Warhammer but when I was 16 or so (WFB 4th edition days) in a school club. Gradually the club dissolved but a small group of 4-5 of us kept playing (we were also REALLY into WH40k and Man'o'War, eventually we were playing those more than we were playng WFB). We didn't keep it up when we all left for Uni, but we got the occasional game in when we met up again back home during holidays. There were times when we'd be able to play 3-4 games a year like that, but we gradually stopped almost completely as we got left behind by all the various rules changes. We filled the void with the occasional games of multiplayer Dawn of War, the catchphrases from which we still occasionally throw into otherwise irrelevant conversation to the besument of all around us :)

We only recently started getting back into it - played a game under the new edition WFB rules over Easter and I was hooked, interesting changes and mostly for the better (though I don't like how neutered cavalry is now). One of the group moved back to Cyprus, got married and settled down, so he was able to get back into far more easily than he could when he was an expat in the UK moving between Durham, London and Coventry, and he's slowly dragging the rest of us back into the hobby (I was the first to succumb:p). It also helped that another person from back in our school days now owns a shop that imports this stuff! ;)

I haven't played any 40k games in the last couple of years, and I'm curious what the game feels like now, but I don't feel the urge to walk into a shop and ask for a demo game - for some reason it's just exponentially more fun to play with old friends, so although I miss it I don't feel like playing unless it's with those same 3-4 guys.

I've really been itching to try out Dark Heresy though, as well as the new edition of WFRP!GW's worlds are AWESOME settings for RPGs (in fact I only got into WFB by having played WFRP), and if I find a group near me that plays it I'd be all over it! Do you guys know a good way to find RPG groups in your area? I mean I know there's websites and forums but I never managed to find one near me - I assume the ones I looked at weren't large enough. Or is it just that RPGs are dying out?
So obviously apart from this thread, is there any other warhammer discussion forums that's quite active? :)

Trying to decide between an upgrade of 3 Killa Kanz or a Deffdread for my 1.6k Ork Waagh!
I personally have just started an Ogre Kingdoms Army for Fantasy, Gotta love the background Fluff as well as the sheer size of the models.
And some pics of my converted Flayed Ones, Im by no means the best at painting but i gave them by best shot.



Gotta love the GW Washes, they practically make my army :D
Those Orks Do look extremely good but they look like they take a lot of time, i personally would not have enough patience to paint a unit of 20 like that, let alone 100+ orks!
Started painting my skele's, only another 49 to go in this unit :S


Might crack on with a few char's soon once i've got my hand in with the painting again.
Nice skele :)

I've got a bunch of bits that I need to crack on with now, pretty much everything I listed previously for my tau is now at least base coated Shadow Grey, and I need to get on with adding the next set of colours :) (I spent a couple of hours last night getting flying bases magnetised for the drones).
I was trying to copy a video on youtube how to paint ork skin and i think i have made bad mess of it all lo :(

I hope when i add some washes later it might save it little :)

I don't know why but my first ever model looks better then the other 3 i have done! I thought i would get better not worst lol.

That skeleton warrior look great Perywinkle :D how do you fill in the eyes without making to much mess like i do some times.
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I was trying to copy a video on youtube how to paint ork skin and i think i have made bad mess of it all lo :(

I hope when i add some washes later it might save it little :)

I don't know why but my first ever model looks better then the other 3 i have done! I thought i would get better not worst lol.

What technique do you use for ork skin?

Personally I use Chaos Black base coat > Dark angels green basecoat > drybrush of goblin green > wash of thraka green. Seems to look okay! Not mastered the teeth though. Any tips?
Currently getting round to painting some of my Space Marines after priming. For some reason this is not as much fun as I remember it (it might be because I hate painting red, especially over a base of red) but I'm hoping things get more interesting when I have some nicer units. Also considering starting up a Fantasy project alongside this and alternating each month to spice things up and keep me interested until I can rediscover what it was I loved about painting, even if I was pants!
Any thoughts about Chaos Demons? I don't really play often, only with my brother when I'm at home at the moment, but from videos I've watched on YouTube etc. I have barely seen anyone with a Chaos Demons army, not in 40k at least.

I have a PDF codex just to check them out, and I actually think they sound pretty awesome. Definitely something I'm going to look into more, and perhaps start up in the near Future.

Any 40k Chaos Demons players here?
Chaos Daemons are rarely played, but once you have mastered the army They can be exceptionally hard to beat, due to the fact none of the army starts on the board, ALL of it deepstrikes in. Also the fact that every unit has an invulrable save is great when playing against marines. I personally dont play but a guy at my local club does, he beat me twice in a row then lost due to very unlucky deep strike scatter rolls and unlucky deepstrike mishap results.

They are great fun by the looks of things though!
Choas daemons can be very fun (flamers are truly fun against the likes of Sisters, and Imp Guard), especially as everything has an invulnerable save (as well as some getting normal saves).
The downside is that they are I think tricky to play with a lot of special rules.

When I was playing with friends a couple of years back, the op force had to take an "airfield" and decided to use a huge template weapon (no cover saves) they'd won in a previous game to try and clear the objective.
I think I lost two models out of about 20-30...then the sisters came in to flame my units (having done that repeatedly to other armies over the weekend), only to, I think kill 1 or 2 models (this is out of about 20+ hits), and then got barbecued in return when the flamers had their turn...

The Masque of Slanaash is a great character if you're fighting Marines, especially marines who like their CC dreadnaughts...(you can get them to "dance" in any direction you want as they have legs).
What technique do you use for ork skin?

Personally I use Chaos Black base coat > Dark angels green basecoat > drybrush of goblin green > wash of thraka green. Seems to look okay! Not mastered the teeth though. Any tips?

I do almost the same as you chaos black base color, Dark angels green coat. But instead of drybrushing this time i am doing high light with goblin green and last thraka green wash.

My first 3 models i posted before where drybrushed and i was not too good with it.

When it come's to teeth i will be happy to stay in the lines most of the time lol and i use dhened stone, then i wash most of the model in devlan mud, unless it's a metallic l bit then i would use badab black wash over that instead.

But remember what i say and what i do is at noob level as i have only painted 3 models in my life so my advice is not much help if any at all lol.
I do almost the same as you chaos black base color, Dark angels green coat. But instead of drybrushing this time i am doing high light with goblin green and last thraka green wash.

My first 3 models i posted before where drybrushed and i was not too good with it.

When it come's to teeth i will be happy to stay in the lines most of the time lol and i use dhened stone, then i wash most of the model in devlan mud, unless it's a metallic l bit then i would use badab black wash over that instead.

But remember what i say and what i do is at noob level as i have only painted 3 models in my life so my advice is not much help if any at all lol.

Haha regardless of your experience it's always nice to hear other players techniques :) I need to invest in some devlin mud!
Yeah devlin mud is the daddy :D i just got to remember to not use so much as it will look a bit funky if you do.

Going to try a finish off the last orc in the box tonight :D i will post some pics of my work (i mean mess ) later :D
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