Tabletop Warhammer?

Two twin linked Lascannons on the Landraider! Then you've got Autocannon/Cyclone Missile Launchers (can Deathwing have them?)

And of course chainfists/power fists.
It's tricky because a lot of it is obviously for 6th, I used it for clarification on what takes precedence (so for example Wraith whip coils reduce initiative to 1 but some wargear increases what takes precedence? Apparently anything that is absolute takes precedence, so in this case initiative is 1 even if you have a +1 initiative from something like Furious Charge)

Isn't Furious Charge just +2A on a charge in 6th?
Two twin linked Lascannons on the Landraider! Then you've got Autocannon/Cyclone Missile Launchers (can Deathwing have them?)

And of course chainfists/power fists.

If I take the Land Raider (for the Deathwing Knights) then I can only afford to upgrade one squad to have a Cyclone Missile Launcher! :p

Isn't Furious Charge just +2A on a charge in 6th?

That's Rage. Furious Charge is just +1S in 6th.
Shamis Necros defeated my Chaos Space Marines 7 points to 3

Was another close game for the majority of the game with some amazing moments... Think my Plague Marines paid Newts warrior for dodging lessons as twice single plague marines saved 7 wounds.

GG Shami :) Enjoyed it... and congrats on killing Typhus :(
Necrons defeat Chaos in an Annihilation Game 7-3.

This one was even up until about turn 4 when I just started to edge it, Woogie was very unlucky with his meltaguns or it could have been very different.
Anyone else planning on purchasing Relic when it's released?

It's basically Talisman set in the GRIM DARKNESS of the 40K universe, for old timers like me who were introduced to The Games Workshop Hobby TM by playing Talisman and Blood Bowl with friends as a kid it should be a fun way to combine nostalgia and my passion for the 40K universe!
Shamikebab's Necrons vs Woogie's Chaos Space Marines – 1500pts

The mission was Annihilation with a Dawn of War deployment. Woogie started Typhus and two Plague Marine squads behind cover in the middle of the town.

Turn 1:

The rest of the Chaos army moved on to the battlefield, the three Havoc squads taking up positions of fire across the line.


The Necrons moved on, the vehicles all moving down the centre towards the village while the Wraiths and Scarabs moved through the rocks down the right flank.


Current Score:
Shamikebab - 0
Woogie – 0

Turn 2:

The Chaos line advanced using cover where available. The Havocs all opened fire on the vehicles in sight. One Autocannon found it's mark, wrecking a Ghost Ark. The Warriors evacuated the wreckage, unharmed.


Anrakyr swept over Typhus and his squad, decapititating one marine with his Warscythe. The Warriors fired their Gauss Flayers at the squad but the thick armour of the Plague Marines was equal to it. Then the Cryptek leading the squad levelled his Eldritch Lance and a bright lance of light left one of the Marines with a hole where his chest used to be, seconds later the brain seemed to catch up with the body and the warrior fell to the floor. The Tesla Destructor of the supporting Annihilation barge fired but left the Marines scorched but unharmed. The Barge on the right fared better, killing one Plague Bearer. The Wraiths charged through the rocks and tore 3 Plague Marines apart, two Wraiths were wounded in return.


Current Score:
Shamikebab - 0
Woogie – 1

Turn 3:

Typhus and his squad charged Anrakyr and through their Krak grenades but the fast moving vehicle avoided the explosives. The Havocs shot at the Necron vehicles but couldn't penetrate the advanced technology. The Wraiths killed the last two marines in the right hand Plague Marine squad.


Anrakyr flew over the Havocs in the centre, killing the Autocannon bearer. The Warriors and Barge opened fire on Typhus and his squad, killing two more of the bodyguard. The left Annihilation Barge killed four of the squad moving to support Typhus, leaving just one alive. The Barge on the right shot at the Plague Bearers killing 3, the Wraiths charged the remainder and killed them all.


Current Score:
Shamikebab - 2
Woogie – 1

Turn 4:

Typhus and the remaining Marines charged the Necron Warriors, killing four without reply, the soulless killing machines held their ground though, two of the machines getting back to their feet. The Havocs on the right shot at the Wraiths but 3 Krak Missiles failed to wound the swift creatures. The Autocannon from the left squad again shot at the Barge on the left flank but did no damage.

Anrakyr swept over the Havocs again, killing two more. He then opened fire with the Barge's Cannon and threw his Tachyon Arrow, killing another. The remaining Ghost Ark moved into the centre of town and it's passengers shot at the Havocs, one dying from the Crypek's Eldritch Lance. The remaining Havoc refused to flee. The two Annihilation Barge's shot at the lone member of the Plague Marine squad but he survived the hail of fire! The Wraiths charged the Havocs on the right, supported by the Scarabs and killed all but one, losing one scarab wound in return. Typhus and his squad slaughtered the remaining Warriors.


Current Score:
Shamikebab - 2
Woogie – 2

Turn 5:

The single Plague Marine charged the nearest Barge and threw it's Krak Grenade but it bounced off. The Havoc did the same at Anrakyr's Barge but missed it. The Autocannon again failed to damage (it could only glance on a 6, highly unlikely) The Plasma Guns also failed to penetrate. The Wraiths slew the remaining Havoc on the right and consolidated towards the town. The 2 meltaguns wielded by the marines in the centre somehow failed to damage the Ghost Ark.


Anrakyr killed the last Havoc, The 2 Annihilation Barges on the left killed the remaining warrior and killed four of the second unit (Woogie failed an impressive amount of 3+ FNP saves this turn!) The Warrior's on the Ghost Ark and the Barge in the centre killed two more of Typhus' retinue.


Current Score:
Shamikebab - 5
Woogie – 2

Turn 6:

The Autocannon wielding Havoc finally glanced the Barge on the left, but only shook the crew. The Meltagun did better this turn, wrecking the final Ghost Ark.

The Barge on the left shot all it's weapons at the final Plague Marine but some swift dodging left him unharmed! The Warriors and Barge opened fire on Typhus and the remaining marine, killing the last of the squad. The Cryptek at Typhus with his Eldritch Lance. The Lance is strength 8 and AP2, meaning if Woogie failed his 5+ save then the Herald of Nurgle would suffer Instant Death! He rolled a 6 and he survived though. The Wraiths then charged him and ripped him to pieces with their Rending claws.


At this point Woogie conceded.

Final Score:

Shamikebab – 7
Woogie – 3


The closest battle I've had, right up to the fourth turn we were equal points wise although Woogie had several squads with a few members left. Annihilation shows the weakness of small squads, a few rounds of fire can give away several Victory Points, I would have had a much harder time against two ten man squads than 4 five man squads, but then of course you have less manoeuvrability in an objective game. Woogie was unlucky with a few rounds of Meltagun shooting that really should have wrecked more than the one vehicle.

Aye was a very good game, I was incredibly good at rolling for saves (saving 7 wounds twice on a single plague marine) yet incredibly poor at shooting and combat. 3 or so rounds of shooting with absolutely minimal casualty's :(

Was a good game and close until the 4th turn :) Now I only have the DE to fight who I'm hoping will crumple easier to my fire.
Looks like a good battle Shami/Woogie :)

Basic campaign is in the dropbox, got most of the rest developed but need time to add it in. That and the fact some of it depends on what people choose to play, have a look and let me know what you think!
I like the idea. I don't understand the all players/5 battles thing though. 5 battles means 1 battle for each player (assuming ten players) What does all player mean? One battle with every player involved?
I like the idea. I don't understand the all players/5 battles thing though. 5 battles means 1 battle for each player (assuming ten players) What does all player mean? One battle with every player involved?

Sorry, that was the point I didn't have time to expand upon :p:o

5 battles mean that on that stage there are 5 different battles happening so basically everyone gets a battle against another player (assuming 10 players, more or less and I can change the number of battles) but I have just put "battles" as each one is a different scenario with a different backstory that I have yet to upload.

All player is everyone putting in 1k into one battle, logistically probably impossible but if there were a few who couldn't make it others could just control their forces. It gives the whole thing an element of tying it all in and big battles are fun! :D
Blimey that sounds insane (but would be awesome :D) May have to be less points each though (probably 500 points) otherwise it would take more than one night and it would be tricky getting everyone together for 2 sessions! I really like the idea of having different point limits for different levels though :)
Blimey that sounds insane (but would be awesome :D) May have to be less points each though (probably 500 points) otherwise it would take more than one night and it would be tricky getting everyone together for 2 sessions! I really like the idea of having different point limits for different levels though :)

No worries, when I put the rest up it will become a little clearer what I mean with the individual battles at each level.

There is a sort of "levelling up" involved for the side who wins each stage and for individual uinits letting people specialise their army.

I'll hopefully get all the rest of that input by midweek time, I have most of it written down just a little busy at the mo :)
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