Tabletop Warhammer?

Allies rules:

I propose no allies for Season 2.

I've been thinking about this long and hard and in the end I just think they're unfluffy, lead to stupidly powerful comibinations (Azrael leading a huge Guard squad giving them all 4+ invulnerable saves :/ Or how about The Dark Eldar Baron in an Eldar Seer Council on jetbikes? Giving them a 3+ re-rollable cover save or a 4+ re-rollable invulnerable save!) These combos are not really playing the game as intended and are going to break the number one rule (everyone should have fun)

I think people should be allowed to apply to use allies because there are some legitimate uses for them (Daemons in a CSM army for example) and it will be looked at on a case by case basis.

for the All play battles we will ignore the allies rules but each person's troops can't interact with their allies (psychic powers, warlord abilities, etc)
Oh god dammit! going to be cutting it fine to work out another army or two for tonight. some sod has just asked me to refactor a project so it can be reused! reusable code is so overrated!
Shami: Supposedly, a lot of the Codexes have a FAQ for 6th edition where many entries are changed, so "any friendly unit" becomes "any friendly Codex: Space Marines unit", which tends to stop a lot of abilities affecting allies of another type.

However, I'm not in favour of using allies due to the fluff reasons you mentioned.
Shami: Supposedly, a lot of the Codexes have a FAQ for 6th edition where many entries are changed, so "any friendly unit" becomes "any friendly Codex: Space Marines unit", which tends to stop a lot of abilities affecting allies of another type.

Yeah some stuff has been rectified like that (notably Sanguinary Priests Feel No Pain to stop the quite hideous Deathwing plus Feel no Pain!!) but both the examples above are still valid.

Allies to me feels like Flyers. Some bright spark has gcome up with a new gameplay mechanic and then they've just not playtested it enough. Both rules give a ridiculous advantage to a few armies and horrendously damage others.
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Are flyers honestly that good? Genuine question as I'm trying to decide on Ghost arks vs Night scythes for my Necron army. Aegis with Las or Quad is fairly cheap, and Flakk missiles are starting to show up in the codexes.
Flyers in themselves are OK and well balanced, the issue with them is you need a skyfire rule to shoot them. Some Codex do not have this so have to take a bastion or fortification that CAN skyfire to get around this.
The trouble with taking fortifications is that it makes no sense in a lot of circumstances. If I'm playing the attacker in a raid mission, then it seems completely ridiculous for me to bring an Aegis Defence Line with me... :o
Yep Necrons completely own 6th at the moment. Even without that rule exploitation the number of flyers and supporting elements (Night Fight from Imotek) makes them almost unbeatable in the hands of a good player.
Yep Necrons completely own 6th at the moment. Even without that rule exploitation the number of flyers and supporting elements (Night Fight from Imotek) makes them almost unbeatable in the hands of a good player.

Codex: Necrons
Author(s) Matt Ward
Released 2011
Pages 96
ISBN 978-19079641

Just as planned.
With the 500pt "big battle" will the different parts be able to infer leadership bonuses from other factions warlords?

E.g the usual all models within 12 inches can use the generals leadership
I don't think so, it's going to get complicated otherwise. (no army is designed to have 5 warlords...)

Also we may have to put a cap on certain modifiers (so for example adjustments to reserve rolls)
I was just thinking that if we are working together rather than everyone having to take a character in 500 points we could nominate a "warlord" who's leasership benefits anyone with in a certain range.

If everyone has to take an HQ choice the 500 points wont go very far
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