Tabletop Warhammer?

Completely different, it would be tricky otherwise. (getting a close to 500 pt playable block in a 2000pt playable army)

I'm thinking of it as a scout force and my main force. At the moment that scout force won't be fighting on it's own though but with the rest of your teams scout forces, so you don't have to be that well rounded. You can specialize towards one purpose and let your teammates cover other eventualities.
One problem we may have is our 500 point lists will likely be pretty different from our 2000 pt lists, how will we do Warlord/unit upgrades across those games? For example a 2000pt Space Wolves list might take a Wolf Lord but you're flipping unlikely to put him in a 500pt list.

I propose we name our squads, then if you have the same squad in both lists but altered (say a five man Fire Dragon squad in the 500pt list and a full squad in wave serpent in the 2000pt list then we allow the upgrades they've acquired over the campaign to transfer. Not sure about Warlords, we could allow one 'character' model to count as a Warlord for the 500 pt list (for example a Sergeant of a tactical squad) and use the bonuses unlocked by the main Warlord?

You have covered some of my stuff off already damn you :p

Some of the orcs I have done
Looking good Drumunsta really like the savage orc look you have going on some of them, I started with Orks about 2 years ago and could never do them justice.
With the army I'm planning to take I actually made what (I think) would be a pretty formidable and scary 500pt army! :p

No clues though!

Out of interest those of you who are going to do season 2. What side are you planning to play on, say your army if you want but if you are a suspicious beggar like me just say the side :)

I'm pretty certain on one of the Imp forces :)
I'd like to run on the good side, but I've got ideas in mind for both sides. I can say that I won't be playing Dark Eldar again, as I really fancy a change, but I'm undecided on which army I would prefer to take instead. All I do know is that the 500pt lists I've tried to put together so far have been pretty rubbish-looking! :p
To be fair I'm not sure how effective mine would be but it looks pretty scary :p

I can imagine Imp Guard doing a good 500pt army, could probably have 2 infantry platoons with heavy weapon squads for that price and enough fire power to murder most people :p
I'm definitely going Imperial.

I have one good 500 pt army and one good 2000 point army....sadly different races though!

It's really different making a 500pt army that can fight on it's own to one that can fight with 4 other 500pt armies. We're going to need communication I feel.

I looked at Eldar but 500pts gets you even less models than a Space Marine list :/
I hate the ridiculous power creep they have in newer codexes.

For example:

Space Marine codex a Whirlwind is 85 pts, Dark Angel Codex it's 65 :confused:

Their tactical squads are cheaper as well, despite being better than the standard Space Marines :confused:
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