Tabletop Warhammer?

For dry brushing I use some humbrol brushes I got from a hobby craft, again fairly cheap and decent enough quality. Pack of 4 varying sizes cost about £5 or £6.

Finally got the Impaler Cannon finished off, really need to find more time to get more done and improve my techniques.

Massively zoomed in shot showing all my imperfections:
So, today has been fun. Having been wanting an airbrush for quite a while now, but not really sure whether or not I wanted to make a big investment without really knowing whether or not I'd benefit from it, I decided to take a chance on one of those beginner kits you can get on eBay. So far, I have to say I'm impressed for the price. I don't have any dust masks or anything so I only had 15 minutes to play around, but I got a model primed using the Vallejo surface primer and it went on really easily, producing a nice thin, smooth and even coat. I did have to make a minor fix as the airbrush was supplied with a couple of the parts not tightened properly, meaning that initially only air would come out and then when that was fixed, the needle wasn't all the way in so you got paint as soon as you pressed for air. Other than that, though, seems decent enough. :)

I also got some new models, which should see me set for Easter. Ended up with the Dark Vengeance set (don't ask...) and Coleman Stryker from Warmachine, so I'm looking forward to having some stuff to build and paint again. Fun times. :)
The vallejo surface primers are great for plastic models, just remember to varnish after painting :) (it's not quite as tough as halfords primer).

Also don't use it on metals :)

As soon as the weather warms up a bit I've got about 150 models that need priming in the garage...(120ish skaven, 30 daemons).
Dare I ask about the metals? I was hoping to use the stuff on Stryker, but if it doesn't adhere well then I've got some Army Painter primer as a backup. :)

Also, can I ask what pressure you spray the Vallejo primer at? A few people mentioned I should use a higher PSI when using them, but didn't really specify what (I sprayed them at 30 and they seemed to adhere well enough).

Edit: When you say not quite as tough... Have you found it easy to scratch the primer off? Just noticed that on one I sprayed and another that I brushed it on to. :/
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I ordered from mythreal on the 28th Feb and still not heard anything. I have tried e-mailing them and its been a week since then and still not got a reply. Lucky I only spend 30quid so it wont be a huge loss but I would like somthing to show for it!
I really shouldn't paint in such a dark room though :D

Thanks guys, transfer is going to be dry brushed over with some green, make it look worn out. However the square cut around the transfer still stands out, I remember hearing about a varnish or something that melts away the transparent part, any ideas?
Look for Vallejo Decal Medium and Decal fix. There are also some other products.

They are a mix of alohol based and water based products that ensure the decals adhere fully and also dissolve/blend away the clear edges.

You should also always cut your decals as close to the detail as possible with a clean sharp knife to reduce the amount of edge to cover. Don't leave them square :)
Some leaked prices for the new Tau stuff apparently:

Codex: Tau Empire: $50.24
Tau Empire Battleforce: $130
Tau Empire XV8 Crisis Battlesuit Team (3): $75
Tau Empire Pathfinder Team (8): $35
Hammerhead: $57.96
Tau Empire Sun Shark Bomber/Razorshark Fighter: $65
Tau Empire XV104 Riptide Battlesuit: $85
Tau Empire XV88 Broadside Battlesuit: $50
Fireblade Cadre: $19.32
Crisis Suit commander: $42.51
Farsight: $50.24
Shi´vre (Finecast) $20.61
Sha´ng (Finecast): $16.75

A little high :eek:
Can anybody see a trend here? Short term profits again. As much as I love the hobby I think I may be quitting due to the prices :(
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