Tabletop Warhammer?


Small look at my army so far, I have my commandos left to paint and seven troops, the I get to do my lootas kanns Nd battle wagon lol
Wow tht ripe tide is smart love the colour sceme for it, thanks man I like it to adds some nice colour to the orcs, was going for a desert looter theme with them lol
Thanks. Yea I do play. New book is good. More options than before. Though some things are harder to get used to. Its just different I guess!

As always with Tau I like the customization available. I don't like needing magnets though for weapon options!
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ShadowMan, your Tau always make me jealous. :(

I might be able to play a game on Sunday, but otherwise I'm fully-booked this weekend.
Blimey...I'll give Dark Eldar a go but I'm choosing my own list :p

Let's try 1850 points, it's a popular limit and should give us balance between 1500 and 2000 pts.
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Scary. :p

I'll start reading the Codex properly, then. When it comes to skimmers that have been made flyers in 6th, do you want to ignore them completely or use them as skimmers as they were in 5th?
Just count them as fast skimmers. If you are going to use the lord in the barge, they've changed his rules quite a bit in 6th (he counts as a chariot now) So check the FAQ before you start making a list.
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