Tabletop Warhammer?

Same model, this time after basing and weathering powder. Not an amazing model, but considering the whole affair took less than an hour (excluding waiting for stuff to dry). It's fairly impressive. Should hopefully significantly reduce the time for my skaven to finally get done.
On the shelf for over a year at this point!




(Sorry for rubbish pictures, we don't get much light in this part of the cave.)

*edit, one of the pictures was huge removed it, can be found here:
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GW washes. Base coated white,t hen successive layers of wash. I normally paint my big units directly, but as I wasn't planning to use those rat ogres, they made a good test subject.

Weathering powders from Forge World,
I used to use a stipling technique for rusting effects, but after seeing how easy and effective the powders are. I switched.
They are awesome. They come in the really old GW pots, mostly stuffed to the brim (I had one which wasn't, but still pretty full).
They last a long time. I used them on a unit of 20 night runners , and can hardly tell there's any missing.
At Gooner, how did you base and layer up the Orcs ?

Base coat of cayman green, highlight of heavy green and another highlight of camoflague green and washed with a mixture of green and brown.

A few of them I pretty much dry brushed each layer and another batch I didn't bother. Strangely enough the dry brushed models look tidier :confused:

They don't look too bad from a distance, as if you are playing with them but close up they look a real mess lol. I've always found it highlighting ork muscles. I find hard, straight edges much easier :p

Edit: they're vallejo game colour paints i used
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Looking good. Like the blending you've done on the helm, the change of from light to dark looks to be at a uniform rate which must have been hard to achieve.

Where do you get the inspiration for the sword? Never seen that effect used on a sword before, looks good :)

I wish I could concentrate on just one model rather than trying to get as many models painted as quickly as possible
I'm not too keen on the sword, personally, but the model is looking good. Is the raised armour going to remain white (can't remember if I've asked this before)? :)

I'm about to make another venture into the world of Finecast and I'm not looking forward to it, but I really love the model I'm looking at, so I think I'll take the risk and just return it if I'm not happy. I can't be bothered sculpting detail back on to a model that should be perfect for the price. :o
This guy.

I've always liked the look of this model for some reason. I've attempted to buy the metal version on eBay a few times but always been outbid, so I figured I'd try the Finecast version and hope that it's a decent one. Just looks so much better than the one in Dark Vengeance, in my opinion. :)

If this particular experience goes well, I may also get Asmodai and Belial to add to the collection. Big if though. :p
Ah, my brother used to have the metal chapter master model from back in the day. Yeah, I like that figure, in fact I really like all of the dark angels character models.

I'm too worried about spending money on a finecast model. How easy is it to return a finecast model and get a refund or a replacement?
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