Tabletop Warhammer?

I want to try and multiple player Free for all game at some point, I remember they used to do it in the old White Dwarf and it always looked fun and furious.

Three or more players (4 or more would be better) each start in a corner, one objective in the middle.

Well at the moment I have the ruins but I am currently working on starting up a board which can be changed in various situations. My theroy is that I build up the board using foam and this tape which I think I got at B&Q for cement and then cover it in filler. I have always wanted to do my board so once I start it I will make a Log of my progress and put it in the Dropbox folder if you like?
Yeah that could be an incentive, probably wouldn't play first blood but could do a first on the objective instead. Might have a King of the Hill secondary for who spent the most turns holding the objective as well instead of linebreaker.
Yes, please do Clarty. I'm to starting to think of ways to make my own board too. I was thinking of 1'x1' pieces and then perhaps incorporating certain topographic features into these. Meh, I'll probably end up using a subbuteo pitch, turned upside down :o

I like the King of the Hill idea.
game on
Living Metal? You ignore Crew Shaken results on a 2+ and ignore Crew Stunned on a 4+ Not as useful in 6th due to the changes to glancing hits.

Doomsday Arks are good but expensive, and only really effective when stationary. This means no Jink save in 6th edition. Best way to counteract them is either avoid it's field of view to make it move or just focus fire your anti tank weaponry on it.

I didn't take one in my list precisely for these weaknesses, make it move and it's like a less heavily armoured, shorter ranged Leman Russ with a weaker weapon.
I only have DOW2 dont have the first one lol,

the game last night was good and i wasnt expecting to win but we did get a point haha :D i sort of messed up with my orcs i got my wagon stuck so whn it got destroyed it made it difficult terain so the only way to the enemy was through there, so i tip toed and got shot haha. all in all some orcs are good they just need more armor haha. i am working on my nids to be a little better as i dont have much that can surrive long enough or have the fire power lol. i need a stronger army lol thinking the Space wolfs or the tau lol.
What were the Ork and Tyranid lists?

Tyranids have some very tough lists (I want to try one at some point) but also have some really crap ones.

Both should have been fine once they got into combat, Necrons suffer badly to sweeping advances.
Hi all.

Ive got a friend who has just started warhammer and he asked you lot,where the best place to get the models from ?

He wants them unpainted and in kit form so he can do that himself.
Thanks,ill pass the info on to him.

I won some Warhammer Dark Elves Reaper Bolt Thrower Finecast x2 from e bay for £7.50 for him but the seller stood on them and broke them lol.
The orcs list was....
warboss, flamer,custom bolta combo, attack squib
Lootas, and mek
2 set of 10 orc boyz,
3 war bikes,
warbuggie, twin linked big shoota
3 killer kanns, grootzooka, flamer, rokit launcher
battle wagon, killkanon, grab claw, and guners, hard case,

Nid's was,
Winged hive tyrant,
genestealers 14 with brood lord,
3 warriors,
14 termagaunts and 14 hormagaunts,
10 gargoyles,

we did start off well till the doomsday ark wiped almost all the nids with the scarabs lol.
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