Tabletop Warhammer?

it was the scarabs close combat with the genestealers. they got into commbat pretty quickly. i cant remeber what type they where but it was against my mate so not really sure how it went down lol. its the first time we used the necrons, dont they have a rule that makes them good, sumit to do with the armor
Well any unsaved wounds caused by scarab destroys that models armour permanently. Genestealers should still have slaughtered them though.

Genestealers would be hitting on 3 wounding on 3 and they have rending.

Scarabs would be hitting on 5 wounding on 5.

Scarabs can move 12" charge 2D6 so it shouldn't have been that quick.
So, having been told that you're not supposed to thin the Citadel Base paints, I decided to give that a go today. Bad idea. :(

Edit: On to something that was a bit more successful...


What do you think of this rust effect? I can't decide whether there's too much Boltgun Metal or not enough.
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Thanks. :)

It doesn't look quite as good in-person; the camera certainly helps. I'm going to grab my bitz box later and find some more weapons to test this on, as the Vallejo wash is certainly more like an ink than the Citadel ones are. For the moment though, I'm taking a brief break from 40k and painting up my Stryker model. Cygnar Blue is nice. :)
Was gonna head into the GW store today to see if I could get a game or failing that probably just do some painting but sadly work got in the way. Really want the army fully painted before getting a game in but I thought a game might spur me onto finishing it all off quickly.
Well, No Warhammer for me for a while, Had a motorbike accident Friday on way home from work and have fractured my left wrist and fore arm :( Still down for attempts at DOW though ;)
Ouch, sorry to hear that Woogie:(

I've just managed to do my first airbrush session of the year:D
Only undercoating some plague bearers (in german green), and flamers (in ghost grey).
I gave the old Iwata a bash, as I couldn't find our second H&S (I think younger brother put it somewhere "safe"), and it hadn't been used for a while.
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