Tabletop Warhammer?

Best scheme I saw for Necrons was Red, Black and Grey with no metallics. If you want serious looking models also consider surface mount LEDs to embed in the heads and guns. Takes effort but looks great.

btw. Finish your Chaos AND Dark Eldar before looking at a 3rd army!
Sounds like a lot to paint. I'd probably struggle with all that. :o

Has anyone bought any of those scenic resin bases off eBay before? Got a few on the way and I'm wondering how best to attach the models. Will superglue be enough or do you reckon it's necessary to pin them in-place?
I would pin them tbh, it's easy enough. I've bought ones from Firestorm Games (think the company is MDP?) and they're quite good. I also have one from Secret Weapon which is really nice. I might get one of the Scibor ones for my Wraithlord.
...not really.

You can do a foot list, but it isn't that effective and I doubt it would be that fun. It would revolve around a lot of Warrior squads sitting back with Dark Lances.

In the end the Dark Eldar are in their very nature a fast moving, raiding force.

You don't like Raiders or Venoms? Some might say DE was a bad choice for an army then :p
I have to say, the Venoms don't do much for me, but I absolutely love Raiders (and Ravagers, too). They just make me think of the vehicles in Return of the Jedi. But, you know. More evil. :p
Yep. I have some ideas for how I'd like to modify them, but I have a long wait ahead. :p

I was looking at WFB galleries during lunch today and I still can't find any armies that actually appeal to me besides Wood Elves. Just don't seem to be able to work out what has happened; I used to like pretty much everything but Empire. :(
Is it any good? No it sounds like a ripoff tbh, but if you want flyers it's the only way currently (I think the digital ork codex has been updated with them)

The whole Death from the Skies thing was a pretty **** ish move from GW.
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