Tabletop Warhammer?

Ill keep it in mind if I have to strip any in the future. Although after doing my marine and terminator squads a couple times while i changed ideas i really dont wanna have to do it again

Np hope you find it useful. Though I haven't tried it on Finecast, Forgeworld resin or privateer press resin. My friends have told me its fine for finecast but I've no personal experience myself.

Also its really good for metal
Trying to sell y Wood Elves with no luck on normal forums. Might have to split and try the bay :( Definately need more Tau. Got creamed by a top podding marine army tonight. 3 pods with 2 landing on me first turn. Over 50% of my army dead before my turn 1! Attack bikes and 3 pods hurt :(
I had a riptide and 2 broadside with interceptor. Managed a total of 3 kills on tac marines.

I have a plan though involving masses infantry. Give him too many targets he cannot kill them all!
Trying to sell y Wood Elves with no luck on normal forums. Might have to split and try the bay :( Definately need more Tau. Got creamed by a top podding marine army tonight. 3 pods with 2 landing on me first turn. Over 50% of my army dead before my turn 1! Attack bikes and 3 pods hurt :(

I find selling anything on the forums can be hit and miss. Generally It seems to take ages for the stuff to get any interest.
Trying to sell y Wood Elves with no luck on normal forums. Might have to split and try the bay :( Definately need more Tau. Got creamed by a top podding marine army tonight. 3 pods with 2 landing on me first turn. Over 50% of my army dead before my turn 1! Attack bikes and 3 pods hurt :(

Do you have a link to the sale thread for them? Interested in taking a look. :)

Has any1 else found that the GW glue is rubbish. I was painting last night and the head of the forgefiend and the pads fell off!

Yep. Revell Contacta Professional is way better. I needed to remove a model from a base last night and it had a little stub of plastic that slots in to a hole to give it extra support. I pretty much had to destroy the base to get the model off it, whereas with GW glue I can usually twist the thing out with a little care. :p
Do you have a link to the sale thread for them? Interested in taking a look. :)

Yep. Revell Contacta Professional is way better. I needed to remove a model from a base last night and it had a little stub of plastic that slots in to a hole to give it extra support. I pretty much had to destroy the base to get the model off it, whereas with GW glue I can usually twist the thing out with a little care. :p

Sent you a trust to keep selling out of this thread.

The Revell stuff is a revelation in glues. I used to use the GW plastic glue and it never held so started using superglue for everything. Friend suggested we try Revell and at £3 for the large one it was a steal. Works so quickly and the bonds are fantastically strong.

For the best bond make sure surfaces are clean and paint/oil free. Give them a quick sand with some mid-grit paper and apply glue. The sanding makes all the difference over a smooth fresh out of mould surface.
Yeah tonight is fine with me, playing Newts tomorrow. No idea what army to use in DoW, I usually play Eldar but I don't think my style of sit around and make all my buildings invisible will really work in multiplayer :p
New toy:


Wanted one ever since the big army deal that was launched with the last Codex, but couldn't afford that box at the time and haven't been able to find one of these since. Until now. :D

May be a while before I get round to doing anything with it though... :p
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