Tabletop Warhammer?

yeh tht is a bit of a ****ty move form them like, so i would have to get the digital codex to be able to see them or buy that book lol :-|has any1 used any flyers yet ? or has any1 painted any i would love to see some haha

Not used my Tau Sunshark yet but it is in the painting queue to be done after I finish the Riptide. Will post pics when I am doing it.

Nearly finished the Riptide last night. Main weapon painted. Just need to do final details, support weapons, transfers and basing.
Nope, and I won't buy that book in order to do so, either.

The thing that annoys me about the digital books is that they're restricted to iOS. I know why they will have done that, but it's frustrating that I have a perfectly good Android tablet that I would love to have them on, but can't, so I have to have paper copies instead which means carrying around copies of the FAQs instead of just getting an updated version on the tablet. :mad:

Whilst I'm ranting, I'd love to try some of the Badger Minitaire paints, but the only place I've been able to find them is on eBay, and whilst the price isn't bad (£3.80 for a 30ml bottle), the delivery cost is almost as much as the product itself (£3.15)! :(
Not used my Tau Sunshark yet but it is in the painting queue to be done after I finish the Riptide. Will post pics when I am doing it.

Nearly finished the Riptide last night. Main weapon painted. Just need to do final details, support weapons, transfers and basing.

I cant wait to see the riptide like, how long has it took you to do that. yeh i use my andriod tablet for my current codexes from dropbox only have my orc as paper copy lol.
Nope, and I won't buy that book in order to do so, either.

The thing that annoys me about the digital books is that they're restricted to iOS. I know why they will have done that, but it's frustrating that I have a perfectly good Android tablet that I would love to have them on, but can't, so I have to have paper copies instead which means carrying around copies of the FAQs instead of just getting an updated version on the tablet. :mad:

As I understand it the iOS decision was to test the waters for demand etc. Apparently there are plans in place to expand to Android at a later date. Which is fair enough, no point spending loads without properly testing the market first.
I think you should have an HQ, but say even a squad leader etc can be one? Also I agree, no armor 12 or more.

No I'm not even telling you the race or anything, nothing! NOTHINGGG!!! /evil laugh.
Nice big target, though! :p

Best way to strip paint from plastic models without damaging the plastic? I have plenty of stuff in the house that would be okay for metals, but I'm pretty sure they'd melt plastic models. >.>
Nice big target, though! :p

Best way to strip paint from plastic models without damaging the plastic? I have plenty of stuff in the house that would be okay for metals, but I'm pretty sure they'd melt plastic models. >.>

Fairy power spray! Buy a bottle, put models in tub, pour powerspray neat over models. Leave for 24 hours, quick scrub and boom new models. You can use the power spray a few times too
I received a fairly large box earlier.

It was the Tau order from Wayland games :)
3x Bombers
3x Riptides
3x Broadsides
2x Codex's

Although only a third of that is for me, and I can't do anything with them until after I finish painting my Daemons for my weekend of gaming in July :)
Fairy power spray! Buy a bottle, put models in tub, pour powerspray neat over models. Leave for 24 hours, quick scrub and boom new models. You can use the power spray a few times too

Cool, think I have some of that in the cupboard. Will it also remove sand and PVA from the bases? Cheers! :)

Did anyone back the Games and Gears Pro brushes kickstarter? Just had a bunch of brushes turn up :D

No, I was going to wait for your opinion on them, because I didn't really like the look of them to begin with. :p
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